Thread regarding ExxonMobil Corp. layoffs

The truth about Exxonmobil and BTC

BTC is helping save millions of dollars, but the expats sent here are incompetent and often flaunt their priveleges in front of locals. They are also taking up more than 75% of cost of all of BTC, getting paid in 20 times that of locals.

The assessment process is rigged by favoritism of these expats, they only like females and some of them even hang out with young females with no work relationships. The expats are poison to the BTC and regarldless of what people say here, BTC is help for exxon, without any training or invesment a lot of the base work is getting done in short period of time. While dealing with hatred of uneducated americans. The managers here are clueless and that is same for supervisors, no vision no plan its just goingn on randomly until it collapses one day, advice to all os to leave.

I just put in my papers recently, its a place for those who cant find any other opportunites elsewhere, hust like the useless expats. For once think is there anyone who you want to become like? Are they inspiring at all? They are goons or id--ts, either one of these, and thats what you will grow up to become if tou stay at Exxon/ BTc.

Layoffs and atteition are coming, heard from friends in planning.

| 3171 views | | 21 replies (last August 18, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1icCYjBT

21 replies (most recent on top)

Btc is the best

Post ID: @5vgu+1icCYjBT

The TCs have only created more work as they strive to have their work acknowledged or actual results awarded to them for the work of the plant support engineers. What few things they could've helped with, they were unwilling to do. Like push MOCs or create better versions of redlined drawings.

Post ID: @3svo+1icCYjBT

BTC has been WE3 since the beginning, and they run two shifts. Like most good sweat shops…

Post ID: @2xzu+1icCYjBT

Make the BTC adopt WE3 and save even more money

Post ID: @2whh+1icCYjBT

@ faz+1icCYjBT maybe in a salary basis europe is cheaper but not on an hourly basis. Y’all start with how many weeks of vacation and work how many hours a week over there?

Post ID: @1ifg+1icCYjBT

Dealt a lot with "high value" engineering centers in the past. They keep me in business cleaning up their poor engineering.

BTC and KLTC need to be termed "low value" engineering centers.

Post ID: @1vqb+1icCYjBT

The new Raj.
Run out of a filthy tar pit outside of Humble T-ex.
Fistory repeating.

Post ID: @1zdu+1icCYjBT

@pkz+1icCYjBT Notice it said “current” model.

Post ID: @lxh+1icCYjBT

“ Fast forward 3-5 years (or less) the current BTC model will be declared a failure”
Wrong answer!

No management decision in the Soviet Republic of EM is ever declared a failure. They will say “it was the right decision then, but the conditions have changed”.

Post ID: @pkz+1icCYjBT

@jxs+1icCYjBT Great, then maybe we'll get something to do in Europe as we're hugely cheaper than America. #winning

Post ID: @faz+1icCYjBT

Do you really believe BTC has saved millions lol, I’m sorry management has brainwashed you via “value add” power points and dashboards. All service centers are a cost above field so you are an expense, that’s why you have to time write all of your hours.
Fast forward 3-5 years (or less) the current BTC model will be declared a failure

Post ID: @zrj+1icCYjBT

There are two pieces to the profit calculation, revenue and expense. BTC might be saving on expense, but everything I have seen points to lower profit because of reduced revenue from substandard work. The other part of the BTC model is “cannon fodder”. No one cares if you quit. There are 100,000 people waiting to take your spot.

Post ID: @qru+1icCYjBT

Saving us millions of dollars?

The most distinguishing hallmark of any work coming out of either BTC or KLTC is how much of it has to be redone by us at the plants. Management thinks they’re replacing Americans with lower cost employees, but few of them have figured out that it’s just low cost work IN ADDITION to the higher cost work.

FWIW, I don’t blame these people for the shoddy work at all. I get similarly shoddy work from EMRE desk jockeys who never leave EMHC, but at least they’re in the same time zone and can fix problems faster. The company never wants to admit, outside of ranking where it can be used against you, that being near the process and getting field time is instrumental in your development.

Post ID: @iuv+1icCYjBT

I think the company has finally seen the errors in the current support center configuration, look for changes soon.

Post ID: @hzh+1icCYjBT

So what about all of the BTC expats showing up in places outside of India? American expats have to be paid more than locals or they won’t be willing to go. I expect over time as India continues its development journey salaries for locals will rise an approach those of Americans. This is a double edged sword because when that happens the incentive to move work to India will be reduced. At the end of the day trying to pit people against each other based on nationality and grouping everyone together with statements such as “all Americans” and using insults such as “greedy and uneducated” is not productive and reveals OP needs to reformulare his/her arguments.

Post ID: @jxs+1icCYjBT

The quality of work out of the BTC is pretty spotty, but there are some competent technical workers there. To them I'd say - EM is 100% taking advantage of you. You're hugely underpaid by international standards - try applying elsewhere.

Post ID: @due+1icCYjBT

OP - I disagree. I enjoy my BTC group and supervisors. Which group is the worst?

Post ID: @ntu+1icCYjBT

OP - I disagree. I enjoy my BTC group and supervisors. Which group is the worst?

Post ID: @rtu+1icCYjBT

OP you sound whiny. Glad you and your negativity is gone. Go back to companies where you can treat women badly. Surely your bad performance was because expats are partial to woman or because he must’ve something else going on - surely a woman can’t be smart - go get a life man.

Post ID: @eig+1icCYjBT

"some of them even hang out with young females". You got me on this one 🤣

Post ID: @vfd+1icCYjBT

I agree. Expats bring the toxic culture back to India. Also the expats in any countries are money hungry people with no real technical caliber. These are the people who want to leverage expat hardship (only there to make extra money) and exposure (worthless) to move ahead in the company (not going too far).

Expats = greedy is a simple rule.

Post ID: @hfy+1icCYjBT

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