Thread regarding Union Bank layoffs


Why are they pushing RTO now? We have sky high attrition in my group already. I am designated office based but I intend to keep working from home as I have done successfully for the last 2.5 years. There are plenty of remote jobs at other companies so I may just start looking. There is no way I will ever work in the office 4 days a week. There is no one in my office that I work with so it is completely pointless. If enough people push back and refuse to come in, they won't be able to do anything. I know US Bank and Wells aren't enforcing their 3 day in office policies because they can't risk losing all their talent at once..

Its completely id--tic for management to try to do this with a merger hanging over our heads (as if we didn't already all have one foot out the door)...

| 1470 views | | 5 replies (last September 27, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1ihBGpna

5 replies (most recent on top)

Keep in mind most bank employees have been working in the field and in offices. If they are fine you will be ok. When you were hired you understood your terms. Covid doesn't change that. Make a case to your boss but if you didn't out perform before covid then don't expect anything.

Post ID: @Evmq+1ihBGpna

The Executives are tone deaf. No one wants the commute costs, lost time and most of all the way they arranged office space who can get any work done. The first time someone is sick they will take a few others with them, lost productivity.

Post ID: @sola+1ihBGpna

US Bank doesn’t want to absorb all of us. We’re significantly higher paid than they are. It’s in their best interest to push out as many of us as possible before legal day one.

Post ID: @auwp+1ihBGpna

Interesting as US Bank has not been particularly militant about making people go back. (And if you’ve not been on the page for USB on this site, go check it out. Tons of layoffs lately.)

Post ID: @1yny+1ihBGpna

Do u think people will leave the org because RTO in this economy?

Post ID: @1rcy+1ihBGpna

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