When was the last new Workplace Recovery deals sold in the USA? Excluding renewal deals from this thread….
7 replies (most recent on top)
@4szv+1ihNX9Sa the problem is, RS has barely gotten off their behinds for the past 10 years...they haven't noticed a difference. When reality hits, they're really gonna freak out.
RS is a dinosaur and need to go through an inevitable extinction for something new to start
Not surprising. It doesn't seem like they've operated to further any interests beyond their own in a very long time.
Actually, one was sold into a facility in March for dedicated/workplace and it still hasn't been implemented and the site is closing in a few weeks (customer hasn't been told yet). Also, one was sold into another workplace facility in May and then the site closed two weeks later.
And yes...the LT didn't want to spend 1 million for a 7 million deal for the bank.
Reading it, It seems they mean the LT didn't want the deal.
How exactly is this a win if the customer never signed off on the deal?
Maybe a few years back, the LT team doesn't want anything to do with WP anymore. They have made that very clear. We won a dedicated deal in NY for a German Bank (approx. $6m TCV) back in Jan that they refused to sign off.