Thread regarding GlobalFoundries layoffs

Why make us wait and worry?

Nice little email right before the weekend! Paraphrasing
“Hey everyone, you might be getting laid off but we can’t tell you who, how many, when or even where. Please feel free to worry and speculate! “
I swear this fk’r is tone deaf. If I survive this layoff, I am going to spend every single remaining paid working hour job hunting and planning my exit from this
God forsaken sh--e show of a company.

| 2531 views | | 5 replies (last November 14, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1jGJm2Bw

5 replies (most recent on top)

250 or more Employees would trigger the NYS 90 day WARN Act. As of now, GF has not notified NYS, formally.

You can can keep track as to If/when this happens at this link to WARN Act Notifications.

You can also contact NYD Dept. of Labor with any questions/concerns during this process. There is advocacy available to NY residents/employees. Be sure to document ALL discussions and communications with your Management and HR department.

Information on the specific WARN:

The WARN Act applies to private businesses with 50 or more full-time employees in New York State. It covers:

Closings affecting 25 or more employees
Mass layoffs involving 25 or more full-time employees (if the 25 or more employees make up at least 33% of all the employees at the site)
Mass layoffs involving 250 or more full-time employees
Certain other relocations and covered reductions in work hours
This means that covered businesses must provide all employees with notice 90 days prior to a:

Plant closing
Mass layoff
Other covered reduction in work hours
Businesses that do not provide notice may be required to:

Pay back wages and benefits to employees
Pay a civil penalty
Businesses must give notice to:

All affected employees
Any employee representative(s)
The New York State Department of Labor (DOL)
The Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB)
The chief elected official of the unit or units of local government where the site of employment is located
The school district or districts where the site of employment is located
Each locality that provides police, firefighting, emergency medical or ambulance services, or other emergency services, to the locale where the site of employment is located
Early warning gives the DOL and the LWDB the chance to work with the business early on and provide employees with information about:

Unemployment Insurance (UI)
Workforce Programs
Resources designed to get employees back to work quickly
Early warning also benefits the business. It can shorten the time that employees are on UI. It therefore may lower the UI charges associated with the layoff or closing.

It is strongly encouraged that employers submit their WARN notices by email to Notice by employers to the Department of Labor can also be mailed to:

New York State Department of Labor - WARN Unit
Building 12, Room 425
State Office Campus
Albany, New York 12226

Post ID: @1rcv+1jGJm2Bw

Everyone get out of this stupid industry, there is no way to make a career without going through this BS stress on market down cycles. Take the CHIPS act and stuff it.

  • Happy Holidays
Post ID: @1rkf+1jGJm2Bw

After spending millions $ in nyc summit and coming back with a layoff for cost saving, those SLT m*fkers might be enjoying watching people suffering from this now.

Post ID: @jam+1jGJm2Bw

Agree GF is not a place to stay and waste time period

Post ID: @iru+1jGJm2Bw

Some people just needed this extra push. Everyone should be looking for better. Company history has shown this isn't it. Speak to your coworkers who have left, any regrets

Post ID: @srq+1jGJm2Bw

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