Thoughts? Any Express layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?
12 replies (most recent on top)
What kind of severance does the company provide?
Wow. Guess the CEO wasn’t immune.
Word on the street there are more layoffs in October. So sad. These people worked so hard to help turn the business around. Where is the Styling Community now?
There won't be an end to this. The time is ticking and this retailer's time is up. It can't compete with the others anymore.
Layoffs arent gonna end here. They'll continue to gut the company since its doing so poorly.
Isn’t it crazy how Executive Leadership Team continues to get paid 7 figures still? While getting rid of everyone else?
Anyone considering applying for a job at Express or currently working there, just know the separation “benefits” are almost nothing and not comparable to other local retail competitors. Get out while you can.
More gone today. Several directors.
More layoffs this week impacting lower level associates.
They are purging a ton trying to drum up cash for bonobos acquisition.
They hired consultants to look at “efficiencies.” Rumor has it more reductions coming soon but who is to say
They laid off the Chief Merchandising Officer, and gave her 18 months severance. They should also look at a new head of Womens design as the clothes are really ugly and unwearable. I haven’t shopped there in years!