Thread regarding Prudential layoffs

Prudential Layoffs 2023

How likely is that there will be Prudential layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?

| 9973 views | | 27 replies (last January 11, 2024)
Post ID: @OP+1jUj4rZq

27 replies (most recent on top)

Anyone hearing any other news for 2024? Hearing more layoffs for the next year but of course, no WARN notices. Anyone?

Post ID: @6Cfam+1jUj4rZq

If Pru-Bull-Polite fires you for exercising your Labor and Constitutional Rights, sue Prubull into Bankruptcy and drag its name through the mud, media and Courts. Then with the money you'll get from Prubull start manufacturing the Prubull beverage like Red Bull. It will be the Anti-Pru-Bull-Polite po!soned Kool-aid.

Post ID: @5Kurt+1jUj4rZq

Did Prudential Pru-BullSh!t-Polite send out emails warning employees not to post comments online??
Just FYI, there is nothing illegal nor proprietary in sharing work experiences online, you can't be fired for that. It's called NLRA, First Amendment Rights, Labor Rights, Constitutional Rights, protected speech (Google it), meaning - employees have the right to discuss their wages and work conditions with each other (both in person and online), and employers are prohibited from interfering with, restraining, or coercing employees in the exercise of these rights.

On top of that, in Feb this year NLRB issued a decision which forbids companies to demand silence from laid-off employees through confidentiality provisions in their severance agreements.

Just don’t post something considered illegal (like threats, violence, some trading secret), and you are good.

But the other posters are right when saying the posts should stay vague enough to minimize the risk of being identified - just to stay on the safe side, cause they could find some other lame excuse to make your life miserable if they want to. I would also strongly advise avoiding using corporate devices when posting online, and the use of some VPN service to hide your IP.

Post ID: @5Kzno+1jUj4rZq

Thank you Prudential's "Human"Resources department or Exec "Management". So hard to identify. (extreme sarcasm) LOL ! So HR's Poster ID @1alwr+1osR8ZZb is calling employees being laid-off as dead wood, trash to be discarded. This is why this layoff site exists and posters on this site are trashing Prudential's "culture" and BS Pru-Bull disingenuous fake Pru-Polite. Employers and Pru are "polite" until they throw out employees like trash dead wood as you called them. As others have posted Good Luck with talent retention and morale. The first employees to quit, top performers, are the ones with options because they have in demand skills and knowledge. Prudential obviously doesnot, cannot or refuses to read or hear the news reports about the rampant crime in Newark, NJ and surrounding neighborhoods. Poster ID @1alwr+1osR8ZZb also admitted that Prudential needs to have its own Police Force to escort employees to and from public transportation and to their cars, and also Shuttle buses in the morning for a 20% of one mile 5-minute walk to the Pru office buildings. This is extremely expensive. Very, very, very few employers if any have this service and unless the Employer is in a dangerous neighborhood. Anyone, any posters can Google all of this plus about the tetanus diseased Newark, NJ water worse than in Flint, Michigan and find out it's all true. For decades, Newark, NJ has always been a crime ridden W@r Zone. Employees will be lucky to save their lives and get the Lay-Off emails.

Post ID: @5Ighr+1jUj4rZq

Loved all the tough questions asked during the quarterly update, didn't love the SLT responses. This quarterly update only further solidified my need to GTFO of this he-l hole ASAP.

Post ID: @41lqz+1jUj4rZq

This employee quarterly update is becoming quite a farce! (Side note, fwiw just realized this thread is under the UK’s Prudential - PUK)

Post ID: @41tca+1jUj4rZq

Think the CEO just confirmed it will start in the fall?

Post ID: @41faf+1jUj4rZq

Maybe there’s no warm notice because the severance pay in weeks is higher than the minimum + fine. Only thing that makes sense to me at this point.

Post ID: @3Xdti+1jUj4rZq

Definitely not the whole company. I know several groups that didn't get it even though they were individual contributers/first level managers.

Post ID: @3Vvyi+1jUj4rZq

All of finance actuarial got the market competitiveness survey. Think it was while company.

Post ID: @3Tlti+1jUj4rZq

Some folks in GT received an "anonymous" market competitiveness survey. I say "anonymous" because it asks you questions that drill down very specifically to the individuals department and role. The survey asked about the work we do, the time spent, if we think it's valuable, and that's about as far as I got. Basically, what I took from it was, they are surveying us to see who's jobs can be eliminated. Can we just start volunteering to be laid off at this point?

The culture has become so incredibly toxic the last few years and it somehow continues to only get worse. People are overworked, stressed, and no one wants to help anyone (partly because no one has capacity, and partly because of petty infighting and pointing fingers of who should be responsible). Now they want us in the office two days a week, or else face consequences. Which definitely doesn't add to peoples stress and work related time commitments (sarcasm). For a company that says they care about mental health, work life balance, and all that good stuff, they have a funny way of showing it.

Can anyone from a different department shed light on what the culture is like for you?

Post ID: @3Scxk+1jUj4rZq

GT’s had layoffs (as per usual)

Post ID: @3Roft+1jUj4rZq

Does anyone know which business units?

Post ID: @3Reqe+1jUj4rZq

Three layoffs this morning on my team. They are doing this gradually to avoid putting out a WARN notice.

Post ID: @3Rxjj+1jUj4rZq

Post from

Not sure on the few the previous poster mentioned but I know of two, CISO & Enabling Solutions. There may be more who knows.

Post ID: @3Nskd+1jUj4rZq

They are laying off a lot of us soon. The CFO recorded a video saying Pru would eliminate some roles in the fall. A lot of people left but they were replaced by offshore team members in India. I haven't seen any WARN notice yet but I believe they are laying people off gradually to avoid putting a WARN notice

Post ID: @3Avbe+1jUj4rZq

VPs from which group?

Post ID: @3tyhe+1jUj4rZq

Quite a few high profile and relatively young VP’s are suddenly ‘retiring’. My guess is in a few months these VPs will be with starting with new companies and will be thanking them for the wonderful opportunity and will be looking forward to the challenges ahead.

Post ID: @3sfjr+1jUj4rZq

McKinsey got their fingerprints all over this

Post ID: @3rlsy+1jUj4rZq

Heard they are assessing at the end of the next few months for finance and actuarial

Post ID: @3lajs+1jUj4rZq

A leader in actuarial said July august the other day.

Post ID: @3lcvb+1jUj4rZq

Yes. Check nj warn notice website. Will be there 90 days before

Post ID: @3kvzg+1jUj4rZq

saw my cousin this weekend who is a VP at a NY firm that assists with layoffs and helps execs find new jobs. Mentioned that after the last CEO email of 'we're not moving fast enough, do more' it sounded like layoffs were coming. He looked at me a few seconds, internally debating if he should say anything, and said 'yes they are. You're now a customer of ours'
Since his firm only deals with higher ups, I'm hoping its more of an executive house-clearing and not the average joe too. I'm in GT and not a manager or higher so he'd never see my name, but it doesn't mean they won't cut deeper into the remaining talent pool.

Post ID: @3jzdg+1jUj4rZq

Am I the only one who was surprised by this? I didn't know things were this bad 😬

Post ID: @3hpjv+1jUj4rZq

All I can see is the transformation seems to have negatively affected the share price. Waiting for it to bounce so I can offload my shares so I have no more ties to PRU.

Post ID: @3ejwg+1jUj4rZq

How’s the ‘transformation’ going over at PRU??

Post ID: @3dnfn+1jUj4rZq

Layoffs incoming 2024.

Post ID: @3cyda+1jUj4rZq

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