Thread regarding Barnes & Noble layoffs

Store before closing

Some knew in advance that their store would be closed, while some believed that their store would not be closed for some time, so they were surprised when it happened. The atmosphere in my store is terrible and I thought that it would be closed a few months ago, but it didn't happen.

  • What are some signs that indicate that the store will soon be closed? What is the situation in stores that are about to close?
| 1133 views | | 2 replies (last November 30, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1jWM1NNT

2 replies (most recent on top)

This company is doing so poorly, why on Earth would you want to wait until your store closes. Find a new and much better job now!

Post ID: @1zxf+1jWM1NNT

Keep track of the store's sales. We knew my store was in trouble years before we finally closed. If the store manager is in a bad mood all the time, that's a good sign to GET OUT!

Post ID: @1zov+1jWM1NNT

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