Thread regarding State Street Corp. layoffs

IT Salary Bonkers …… HOW??????

I’m two years out of college and at the moment earn 55,000 per year. A recruiter contacted me a few weeks ago and I ended up applying for a systems engineer role. They’ve come back and offered me the job but the salary is 165,000 per year,

I’m so confused about how they can pay that sort of money?????? What’s the catch?????? It’s too good to be true I’m considering turning down the offer,

Is this a normal wage?

| 3097 views | | 8 replies (last December 1, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1jWjgC6H

8 replies (most recent on top)

System engineers salary estimate is $61K - $97K. It all depends on your years of experience, education and work experience. The average salary for a system engineer in Boston is $114,018. I agree that a salary of $165,000 seems like a salary of a senior engineer with more experience. If you graduated from a prestigious program it could be another reason why they are offering you such a high salary.

Post ID: @2oss+1jWjgC6H

They have installed salary minimums for roles and also use 3rd party firms to set them. It has been great as before you may get low balled during internal moves etc.

Cloud IT is good money and they will pay for talent as getting on cloud is a big goal.

I can tell you the IT engineering roles have some of the larger mins. Sounds like a VP role if its 165k, usually want more than 2 years experience tho...

Post ID: @1hjj+1jWjgC6H

Seems like the recruiter wants to get commission on this senior IT position if you accept it. Be prepare for the high stress and long hours on this high paying job.

Post ID: @1ons+1jWjgC6H

Hello, I hired an engineer from State
Street in 2021. Southern California here. Much less than 165 at the time. That is on the higher end depending on skills and talents. That’s more in line with 20 years experience and immense talent.

He left state street to get away from the stresses of it. As an IT manager i do have employees compensated more than me but I emphasize they are very talented people. They are the ones that figure it all out for us.

If your young maybe you can just go for it and take it on. Remember all jobs wax and wayne with time. They don’t all perpetually increase over decades.

Post ID: @sxp+1jWjgC6H

Never trust a recruiter, remember they get paid for ever person they can hire for a company.
Now the figure of $165,000 I doubt it is for a entry level System Engineer.
Probably move for a System Engineer with 5+ years experience.

Did they give you a job description so you can see exactly what they are looking for ?
You can go do the interview get an idea if you are a match.

Post ID: @gwl+1jWjgC6H

accept the role and keep current job. win, win, win.

Post ID: @msq+1jWjgC6H

is this State Street?

I'd guess this is true, State is getting really desperate for people right now. Many people have left and the people that are still here- a lot don't do much outside of the work they've always done . State desperately needs younger and more innovated employees

Things you need to consider before accepting. 1- State has 'connect weeks: they force you to the office one week out of every month 2-you will be asked to take on a large workload: many people left, they are desperate to fill multiple roles-not just one. Me for example-they won't even give me a job description when I ask because my role has just become a catch all of everything open 3-you will have long hours 4-the tech portion of State is hyper competitive- and I will be perfectly honest...pretty toxic.
Of you are ok with these things I say 100% go for it! even if you try it out for a while and don't end up liking it, it'll still be a great stepping stone to other places

Post ID: @iba+1jWjgC6H

I would decline the offer. Or at least try to negotiate the salary down to something closer to your current pay. Tell them you won't work for a penny more than 60,000 and see what they say. Please continue to reach out to the board if you need more help.

Post ID: @gsk+1jWjgC6H

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