Thread regarding Broadcom Corp. layoffs

Corporate bond market will ki-l Broadcom and any future


| 2831 views | | 5 replies (last November 22, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1ja7QKy8

5 replies (most recent on top)

there is enough cash to fulfill the obligations. In case Hock might not increase the dividend or layoff some people. Think that's more realistic to be honest.

Post ID: @Fbjl+1ja7QKy8

Increased base rates will make it harder to raise the loans that finance the takeovers. This means the profit margins will have to be higher to service hard interest payments.

Post ID: @tost+1ja7QKy8

The financial engineering people have all this under control, no worries mate.

This is their world, we are just living in it.

Post ID: @6hub+1ja7QKy8

why? Broadcom has financed it's obligations long term. Would appreciate if you can provide any specific details

Post ID: @5iod+1ja7QKy8

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