Anyone with any intel on incoming RIFs, reorgs or what AIP and raises will look like? With so many VPs, SVPs and C suite leaders exiting in 2024, and the addition of so many new leadership roles, I suspect front line workers will be subjected to the brunt of bad stuff. Most front liners already work like slaves for a pittance of a salary, and I believe with all the $$ being diverted to leadership roles, it will only get worse!
4 replies (most recent on top)
I’m so sorry you’re getting laid off after 15 years. That’s deplorable and speaks volumes regarding how much Humana values their employees. I hope you find something better outside.
I’m so sorry! What department are you in? Hope you find something even better!
I got told this week I’m being laid off come march. After 15 years, it really hurts
We won't know about AIP for a few more weeks, however, raises are not looking good. 2% for meeting metrics and 2.5-3% for exceeding. Pitiful.