Thread regarding DIRECTV layoffs

Layoffs happened on Monday. Infuriating

At least four executives were laid off on Friday, including one VP with 25 years at the company and instrumental in the launch of the MySports service announced on Tuesday. What an insane message to our employees to celebrate that innovative launch by letting go the employee that led the strategy. Asinine. The Chief Customer service officer was let go and also the VP over analytics.

Employees are shocked and PI---D off. Massive morale ki-ler. Makes zero sense and confidence level in leadership is GONE!!

| 1855 views | | 17 replies (last 17 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jhscj7fe

17 replies (most recent on top)

Future of DirecTV? Think Blockbuster

Post ID: @2b0+1jhscj7fe

Now posting laid off dev positions on linkedin.

Post ID: @1j1+1jhscj7fe

As someone after 21 years of service i got laid off because they are outsourcing overseas to "save money"

Post ID: @1g8+1jhscj7fe

Anyone know how many they laid off on Nevada or Carson city?

Post ID: @17q+1jhscj7fe

There you go. No need for marketing to bring in new business. DTV is on survival mode, maintain and try not to lose to many.

Post ID: @172+1jhscj7fe

Get rid of the SVP over engineering. No people skills and just wants sycophants on his team. They should have kept the former SVP over SWE he was really good, but they forced him to retire.

Post ID: @12n+1jhscj7fe

Who is still employed? The Chief Customer Officer?

Post ID: @vr+1jhscj7fe

Any layoffs happening at LABC?

Post ID: @ey+1jhscj7fe

Can you name the executives that were laid off? Laurie G. was laid off too? Please confirm.

Post ID: @es+1jhscj7fe

Those middle managers should be laid off as well—they're completely incompetent.

Post ID: @e9+1jhscj7fe

There was confidence in the leadership before this continued mess? Very funny :) Like the masses leaving this sinking ship of Directv.

Post ID: @ds+1jhscj7fe

Monday is a holiday. Good day to be set free. I am ready.

Post ID: @d7+1jhscj7fe

More on the way...

Post ID: @cs+1jhscj7fe

They just need to shut this pathetic company completely down and get it over with.

Post ID: @bs+1jhscj7fe

no warn notices?

Post ID: @bg+1jhscj7fe

Was the uninspiring VP (JW) with the rocket science degree from Stanford laid off? His calls are terrible with non stop mono tone droning on about meaningless goals.

Post ID: @bd+1jhscj7fe

Well we'll see if morale changes on Friday

Post ID: @a3+1jhscj7fe

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