“We cheer for all companies solving complex business issues, but in the case of Teradata, we’ll be cheering from the sidelines. With its shares lagging the market recently, the stock trades at 1.7× forward price-to-sales (or $30.59 per share). While this valuation is fair, the upside isn’t great compared to the potential downside. There are better stocks to buy right now.”
6 replies (most recent on top)
"Teradata is like a family".... bahahaha... I guess, I'm in the wrong department. It was like a family until a certain crop was hired in 2018-2019 time frame
The wall street analysts know a dog with fleas when they see one hence why none have a "buy" rating on TDC. You can see how nervous SM is when confronted with analysts because he knows they'll ask him the hard questions to which he has only bad news. Take for example new logos. They have hammered him on this and everytime he comes up with that cheesy grin and is left flapping his arms in the air
I don’t care what analysts say. All my customers have shared great Teradata experiences and I’m more interested in my role and customer experience. Sure there are great stocks to buy, but that doesn’t mean it’s more rewarding to work there. Teradata is like a family. We are paid well and our stock options are nice to receive when they vest. Doesn’t matter the price as long as you are given quite a bit of them.
I sometimes wonder if it’s considered ’bad form’ for an analyst to ask probing questions about something like new logos that they know will get really awkward fast. These are smart guys. Im guessing they are financially conflicted like audit companies or ratings agencies were a few years ago.
Former Teradata employee that was layed off and has worked for startups for over a year....
There's no way in H3LL that businesses would choose Teradata over solutions like Snowflake or Databricks. There's just no way it would ever happen.
It's almost fun watching Teradata swirl down the drain because ELT as no idea what they're doing.
I feel bad for the people that I worked with that are punching in the clock to make things happen. But I'd highly recommend looking around and finding new opportunities because they aren't going to happen at Teradata.
How could ANY analyst recommend this stock, especially with the value lost over the past few years.
It appears many analysts are finally seeing through the smoke-and-mirrors to reach the conclusion that TDC is overpriced and has little/no upside. More analysts on earnings calls should press for #net-new logos, #customers lost, etc ... all as a way to see the downward spiral.