Thread regarding Rent-A-Center Inc. layoffs

It's time for a change

Time to franchise all the stores and get rid of the horrible upper mgmnt

Rent-A-Center needs a major overhaul and this is a great place to start. What did this leadership do for this company other than destroying it completely? I can't think of one good thing. Get rid of them, franchise this baby, and let's go!

| 1554 views | | 9 replies (last November 15, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1jj5KwnD

9 replies (most recent on top)

They want 50 sales this black Friday half will probably people who will skip off . Everyone is under pressure to sell to anyone. I've learned in my year at this he-l ho-e job no matter how much verification or this s h I t approval process we use if they want to run off they will times are bad people are coming in just to pawn the junk soon as they get it or just keep it really bad process they use.

Post ID: @pobq+1jj5KwnD

Company moral is at a all time low . Without question dm need to be trained on how to approach situations yelling and screaming at employees is not the best approach. They wonder why turnover is high and people don't want to go to work who would fully knowing that's what your day will be like . The people they been hiring you ask them to go do runs they go yeah they go home and sleep or go to the mall and come back week after week with not 1 result bunch of clowns like this job is getting to be .

Post ID: @hzvz+1jj5KwnD

Look, mitch can use all the fancy rah rah words but facts R facts. All I see is red all over that financial statement with a sharp decline. There is no more free money from the government and if the red wave hits next week there will be less free money. Who do you think is RAC's customer base? Will they be more inclined to pay bills on time next yeat? No way just rent a tv and pawn it, there is a thought for you savvy investors. EZ corp? Christmas is around the corner and all those forced BF rentals will come home to roost in the 1st qtr to give rac another ho-e to dig out of yet again...

Post ID: @dixs+1jj5KwnD

I don't get how the heck they want me to sell stuff and a s22 or iPhone is like 4 grand and like 200 a month people will just end up stealing with or without the lock they need to make prices more reasonable think they want 60 bucks a week on a s22 ultra and I phones crazy to me these people can't even get the phone home before it's stolen or broken half the time it's cool they have 16.99 things now but most is super inflated prices with the economy the way its going people will not come to rac long term pricing is way to high your nuts if you think someone is going to pay years for a item most take off .

Post ID: @bqgq+1jj5KwnD

Well they owe it to the shareholders and employees how bad they made this company they should look how their system is approving anyone and people are stealing left and right mega high turnover rate something is wrong up top and that decision engine letting anyone get anything .

Post ID: @bfny+1jj5KwnD

I said it before, the 5 or 6 egos in charge will never go back to the old way on the application. They would have to admit they were wrong, then they would be fired. They are willing to ride the ship down. RTO is a relationship business, that will never change. RAC has burned through all the good customers and coworkers. They are down to the bottom of the barrel with only a few tricks left to use before it's all over. GL dream team!

Post ID: @asai+1jj5KwnD

Well I'll tell you something to the credit comment. Rac lost that in person go over the agreement with the customer at the table and actually see the person. We do agreements today half the time they steal its ridiculous I don't see the losing coming to a end anytime soon unless they put back the old ways . System approves skips , even fake people you deliver the stuff they moved out the next day or their buddy's house and they just take it because they are approved. If it doesn't go back to the way it was sorry buy this place won't be doing well at all never seen credit this bad and as many charge offs as I've seen in all these stores .

Post ID: @awoe+1jj5KwnD

Credit is never going to get In control . Too many sales going to people who are stealing they think things are so great no one has money they get the stuff and steal it and sell it get up and move everyday is a constant stressful day at this company .

Post ID: @6zcc+1jj5KwnD

There is a comment on here to franchise, it has been proven that a franchise brings back a corporate profit losing store. If they go franchise Mitch must go and any cheaters, you can't be a number manipulator and run a RTO. You always have to know where your at on your business so you can fix the problems as they arise. Also they should require that you can do simple math and spell to be a RD or DM, how else can you figure out a Profit and Loss Report?

Post ID: @hxi+1jj5KwnD

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