Thread regarding Dell Inc. layoffs

WFR Bonus and LTI

If included in the expected February WFR’s, what is the expected IBP bonus payout and will LTI that vest in March be paid out?

| 1435 views | | 4 replies (last 18 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jj5bj1wn

4 replies (most recent on top)

90% bonus, LTI not vested you'll lose, unless you are executive.

Post ID: @kj+1jj5bj1wn

if you get laid off, you forfiette all vacation time, unvested options/grants, and you do not get your MBO at all. To get your MBO you have to be an employee in good standing on the date of the MBO itself... March (whatever)... not the date you receive the cash, but the date the MBO is granted...

Post ID: @ez+1jj5bj1wn

You’ll b eligible to receive a bonus, but the options won’t vest.

Post ID: @cm+1jj5bj1wn

'Tis a mystery.

Post ID: @an+1jj5bj1wn

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