Anyone find Dell stakeholders getting more and more difficult to work with everyone is out for them selves eith a number to your head I get it your under pressure but we all have KPIs we are working to but I am seeing we are losing core team work and culture code perspective seems to go out the window - these unrealistic demands from stakeholders and expectations from
stakeholders unnecessary escalating non urgent matters. I understand people are stressed out with RTO and WFR but come one people where has the Play nice and winning together approach gone - culture code seems to have gone alouf !
6 replies (most recent on top)
"where has the Play nice and winning together approach gone"
For those of us that used to work for EMC that mentality left the building the day Micheal Dell was put in charge.
Got my involuntary vacation back in 2023 after 24 years and quite happy to be gone. This all sounds like 2001-2002 Dell. What a pit of vipers and backstabbers that was! Would have quit then if not for that needing to support a family thing.
The culture promotes many of the weak individuals to behave immature. The rest of us laugh at you.
Yes. That is because the culture at Dell su*ks and you should leave. I did.
Help us Phantom $hitters, you’re our only hope.
Write that again but in English this time.