Thread regarding Dell Inc. layoffs

RTO 5 days a week mandate & Major weather events

Ireland is due to have a storm hit and the severity is such that a red weather warning has been issued for large parts of the country.
During Red level events, Dell closes its sites for the duration of the warning.

For those whom have been mandated to be in the office 5 days a week, are you being told to work remotely for this event? I.e. do they want their cake and eat it?

| 1724 views | | 8 replies (last 17 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jj7aexzv

8 replies (most recent on top)

We had a major snowstorm forecasted here in Utah a few years back. My manager told me that since I grew up here I was expected to be in the office 30 mins early. We got 2-3 inches (5-7.6 CM) of snow that evening plus another 2-3 inches overnight. I was only 15 mins early, and sure enough my manager was waiting at my desk when I got in.

Post ID: @h4+1jj7aexzv

Recalling the message from Mr. Eagan back in the day, “you live in New England, you know what to expect from the weather. The office will be open, and the expectation is you will be here.”

Different world, good days. Good luck with the weather.

Post ID: @b4+1jj7aexzv

Dell are happy to make use of remote work when it suits them. When covid hit, remote. When bad storms hit, remote. Funny how all the culture and collaboration BS goes out the window when this happens and they realise they need people to just get on with getting the work done, you know how we have been... remotely or onsite.

Post ID: @aw+1jj7aexzv

So, they'll keep calling 5 days RTO a "hybrid"? Sure, make my day! I won't even bother to take my laptop home anymore. And no more teams on my phone. I can also call it a "hybrid", right?

Post ID: @at+1jj7aexzv


That's America my guy. The OP clearly stated Ireland so you need not get your knickers in a twist. In Ireland, Red level weather event equals Dell site closure. No excuse required.

As for me, I'm still on 3 days a week (avg) so remote will be expected. Cant comment on those who are 5 days.

Post ID: @am+1jj7aexzv

Stupid post, dell will still be flexible

Post ID: @af+1jj7aexzv

During the recent weather event in Austin, they sent out a message saying that offices would still be open. So, I highly doubt that they will allow anyone to use weather as an excuse for not coming in to the office.

Post ID: @ac+1jj7aexzv

If the wind is to your back you should be early

Post ID: @aa+1jj7aexzv

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