Thread regarding Dell Inc. layoffs

Something to consider next time y’all hear MSD talking about philanthropy!

This guy calls out MSD hypocrisy in Davos

| 1247 views | | 6 replies (last 18 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jj7harf6

6 replies (most recent on top)

"Can someone explain to me what liberals mean when they say someone has to "Pay their fair share".

real world example:

Netflix last 5 years:

Net Profit: $15B
Exec Pay": $652M
Company Federal Taxes: $236M (3x less than what they paid executives)
Exec Federal Taxes: <$1M combined

Look at what percentage of your pay goes to federal taxes in comparison and tell us that you can't see hat it means

Post ID: @e0+1jj7harf6

Employee donations also form a significant portion of MSD’s philanthropy, with Dell matching up to $10k. I readily admit that’s all very worthy and a good thing.

I tend to side with this guy, we should talk less about philanthropy and more about tax avoidance. Just pay your tax in to the system and support the economy and services we all need.

Post ID: @d5+1jj7harf6

"Can someone explain to me what liberals mean when they say someone has to "Pay their fair share".
Who defines "fair share"?"

Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and AOC

Post ID: @ar+1jj7harf6

What's wrong with MSD talking about philanthropy? The rich should give part of their fortune. It is commendable that MSD is thinking and talking about this noble deed. God Bless MSD!

Post ID: @ap+1jj7harf6

Can someone explain to me what liberals mean when they say someone has to "Pay their fair share".
Who defines "fair share"?

Post ID: @an+1jj7harf6

MsD is a grifter. Been known for a while now.
his philanthropy is for photo-ops and quid pro quo

Post ID: @a2+1jj7harf6

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