Thread regarding Dell Inc. layoffs

Dell is in trouble

We have an incompetent leadership that is steering this ship directly into an iceberg, oblivious to the damage they’re causing. Their lack of vision and poor decision-making are putting all of us at risk. Does anybody truly believe they’re equipped to navigate our currently charged political and economic environment?

| 2223 views | | 9 replies (last 14 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jj9kc82n

9 replies (most recent on top)

Yeah they are creatively bankrupt and about to be exposed yet again for having NO plan for AI. We don’t even ask customers about their plans for it anymore, because we don’t have an actual solution to sell. Our actual plan from brilliant SVP’s? Do more quote taps every week. The thing that absolutely works the least here, unsolicited quotes. Because everyone loves random cr-p in their inboxes, and of course, it doesn’t come off desperate or pathetic AT ALL. This company… is fu---d.

Post ID: @wh+1jj9kc82n

The roaches of Round Rock, LOL?

Oh, these little Directors. It's amazing that they can function at all, outside of the office.

Post ID: @d3+1jj9kc82n

Roaches are great at surviving. Dell will survive through economic scavenging. With that said I wouldn't want to be a ro--h.

Post ID: @aw+1jj9kc82n

The iceberg was hit months ago. Now we're all trying to get the water out with buckets.

Post ID: @av+1jj9kc82n


by design? No. You have MD and JC jabbering on about AI as if dell is relevant to it.

what you described is a company on its death bed. absolutely zero upside.

Post ID: @ak+1jj9kc82n

Dell is further from the cutting edge, but I would argue that is by design. Dell of nothing else, are expert survivalists. It's not necessarily a great place to be an employee, or the s-xiest investment, but it certainly has navigated ups and downs of the technology industry.

Post ID: @ah+1jj9kc82n

in your opinion

Post ID: @ac+1jj9kc82n

Rubbish post . Dell will survive no problem

Post ID: @ab+1jj9kc82n

Grab a lifeboat and get off while you still can

Post ID: @a2+1jj9kc82n

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