Thread regarding Dell Inc. layoffs

Remote work & exception cases

Given the rumored 12 month notice coming for remote employees to relocate to adhere to RTO, has anyone heard what, if any, exceptions would be granted? E.g., someone like a military spouse would not be able to relocate, those with medical exceptions, etc.

| 3363 views | | 14 replies (last 17 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jja1gjyv

14 replies (most recent on top)

If they don't have a medical exception they will face law suits. Not having to hire someone is one thing but hiring someone and then firing them because they have a handicap and can't get to the office as another. If they fired people based on that they would get destroyed in court.

Post ID: @dc+1jja1gjyv

That was actually my first banal rant, thank you!

If you're against DEI, whatever, but pretty tired of people floating the idea of meritocracy when reality is full of nepotism, privilege, a leg up, luck, etc. that, in addition to hard work, contributes to people (including myself) getting somewhere in life.

There have been many comments here that pretty much call out that any non-white person got their job with Dell because of DEI, or blaming Dell's failures on "DEI hires" which is just not true, and blatantly racist.

Even I believe some of our DEI initiatives are misguided, but that doesn't mean what they are trying to address isn't true, or didn't happen. So my question is: if not DEI, then what can we, as a country, do to help correct some of this stuff? To me, it's invest and improve in education from early age (creating equal opportunity, and then companies wouldn't have to worry about this stuff). Others may have different ideas. Or is your attitude to do nothing, that's just how it is and we shouldn't have to care?

Post ID: @bc+1jja1gjyv


You do realize all your banal rants turns off people?
You're self-id--ting and creating new republican voters at the same time

Post ID: @b9+1jja1gjyv

He revoked Executive Order 11246, which was signed in 1965. I guess "MAGA" means taking us back to the pre-Civil Rights era.

Maybe his next EO will be to bring back redlining. Let's really put colored folk back in their place so we (white males, the only people who ever earned their job and way through life) can all get jobs based on merit like we always did in the past (and in no way benefitted from decades and generations worth of structural racism).

I'm sure everyone here upset about DEI would instead be okay with diverting tax dollars to funding public schools in underprivileged communities. That way kids have equal opportunity from the ground up, and if they get to adulthood and aren't qualified for the job, it's on them. I mean, that would be best for a true meritocracy, right?

Post ID: @as+1jja1gjyv

"No DEI, no EEO, just good old fashioned and pure profit motive."

You mean the reason companies actually exist

Post ID: @aq+1jja1gjyv

reading about people who know a lot of VPs or have inside knowledge of something it proves one thing. Either we are a group that exagerates its knowledge or no one in management can keep a secret.

Post ID: @ap+1jja1gjyv

Regarding “ just announced a rollback the EEO Act” [sic]
The administration is doing away with DEI programs, very different from EEO, which are still in place. EEO assures everyone has an equal opportunity to apply. DEI, which is a reverse racism., Is where hiring managers choose by ethnicity and gender rather than merit. Often to fill goals that are arbitrarily set for diversity.
The administration‘s action has no effect outside of federal government employees. many companies have been quietly doing away with DEI.

Post ID: @an+1jja1gjyv

Exceptions can always be made if you provide enough value.

But really, no one here knows.

Post ID: @af+1jja1gjyv

No exceptions

Post ID: @ab+1jja1gjyv

I brought up this concern as a mil spouse last year when the remote policy came out. The answer I got was ‘you’re f*cked if remote goes away and the military has you moved away from Dell’

I doubt much has changed.

Post ID: @a6+1jja1gjyv

I know a lot of VPs. 5 days RTO is coming; however no one has mentioned the 12 month deadline for remote employees. I don't believe that rumor.

Post ID: @a5+1jja1gjyv


LoL. Not everything is about trump, moran
Seek help for your TDS.

Post ID: @a4+1jja1gjyv

I remember reading the Newsweek article from a couple years ago and the story included a military spouse. Crazy that the same Dell is sc--wing that person over now after completely using them for good press. Sure, times are changing, but it seems like there are obvious exceptions that would still provide value to Dell. What a waste.

Post ID: @a3+1jja1gjyv

Michael and Jeff do not care. The current administration also just announced a rollback the EEO Act, so probably won't get help there if you want to sue. Michael Dell was a Trump supporter for these reasons. He gets to now benefit from running his company with no guardrails. No DEI, no EEO, just good old fashioned and pure profit motive.

Post ID: @a2+1jja1gjyv

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