Thread regarding Dell Inc. layoffs

Worlds number 1 IT company

If we are meant to be the worlds number 1 IT company, why wasn’t Dell at Trumps inauguration with all the other Tech leaders?

| 2059 views | | 9 replies (last 11 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jjajxtf6

9 replies (most recent on top)

because he is not relevant in this whole game. just building commodity sh-t. and his mate creating sh---y t-shirts...

Post ID: @192+1jjajxtf6

Michael doesn't crave attention. He can kiss the ring remotely.

Post ID: @11h+1jjajxtf6

Dell wouldn’t lay a glove on any of those companies! It’s a Dino waiting to go extinct and they know it. He-l, there are crypto coins out there that have a bigger market-cap than Dell! It’s only a matter of time before it’s broken up and sold off.

Post ID: @hc+1jjajxtf6

Because we are not the world's #1 technology company by far. We sc--w components together and put them in Dell branded boxes and hope it works

Post ID: @c2+1jjajxtf6

Dell is nothing more than a purveyor of commodity items. Every time they buy an innovative company they sell off the innovative parts and keep the commodity parts.

Post ID: @aq+1jjajxtf6

Don’t worry, he’s at the world economic forum this weekend asking questions about how to keep lower taxes for billionaires

Post ID: @an+1jjajxtf6

He never involved himself on politics

Post ID: @ak+1jjajxtf6

Where have our #1 in every technology segment infographics gone that we used to regularly roll out? They could be replaced with #1 toxic environment, #1 in treating team members like cr-p & #1 in non stop WFR

Post ID: @a4+1jjajxtf6

He would have to contact Mr Dell through his premier page.

Post ID: @a3+1jjajxtf6

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