Thread regarding Wells Fargo & Co. layoffs

A note from a bottom performer

I was rated “does not meet” for all of 2022, 2023 and my mid-year review for 2024. Until something spectacular happened, I got a “inconsistently meets” for my end of year review for 2024. Wow! I’m doing great, guys!

Keep ya heads up, low performers, it’s not actually based on your performance.

It’s important to note that J have recruiters from other companies reach out to me all the time. So, I live by a “the rating produces the results” kind of mentality.

Also, I really like working at Wells, it’s not that bad and benefits are good and I like my manager… is that weird? I think it’s normal. What do I know, I’m a low performer.

| 2021 views | | 23 replies (last 6 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jjcyrs59

23 replies (most recent on top)

lol, what does any of that got to do with Trump?

Last 4 years I got Meets/Exceeds. Trump won, I got Inconsistent Meets. WTH?!? LOL

I don’t always agree with my team/manager politics but never voice my disagreement either. I kept it neutral and to myself.

2 days ago by Anonymous | no reactions
Post ID: @rj+1jjcyrs59

Post ID: @14v+1jjcyrs59

Last 4 years I got Meets/Exceeds. Trump won, I got Inconsistent Meets. WTH?!? LOL

I don’t always agree with my team/manager politics but never voice my disagreement either. I kept it neutral and to myself.

Post ID: @rj+1jjcyrs59

I love your attitude, and makes me feel that your destiny is only upward! The greatest achievements in human history were those made by people with the same level of commitment.

Post ID: @r8+1jjcyrs59

Are you remote? Curious if that has anything to do with it. I've been hearing some other examples of people in roles WF wants to eliminate or who are remote that got pretty much exceeds for years, but mid-year '24 got meets. Waiting to hear how end of year goes...

Post ID: @q5+1jjcyrs59

"I wish there was a better way, but smart people figured this out as the best, you have a better way?"

Asset cap lift and back to growth.

Post ID: @ky+1jjcyrs59

We all sound like govt. workers. It is just business.
It hurts us with a long history with the firm, but the company needs to do this culling. I wish there was a better way, but smart people figured this out as the best, you have a better way? use spotlight. Remember not all, but many jobs we do are completely BS. risk, compliance looking at you, but scrum master types are part of that grouping add in the layers of copy and paste jockeys that report on the bs activities, you know the silent ones in meetings that report on those with the ba--s to speak up. bs jobs, managed by bs people equals bs results. And you want an exceeds for being the best BS slinger. Sure why not. Just hoping for a displacement in 2025/26. Merit based is the new trend, and I like that vs. the bs politics. that’s my BS opinion.

Post ID: @jf+1jjcyrs59

@e3+1jjcyrs59 agreed.
“ WF managers rate you not based on your actual performance, but based on whether they like you or not. That's also how they choose who to lay off first.”

Plain and simple. If you aren’t sitting at the cool kids table you will find a tough path, not too mention an increase in employees that are practicing the art of greasy politics and simultaneously gratifying the boss.

Post ID: @fc+1jjcyrs59

Get ready to join this workforce

Post ID: @eg+1jjcyrs59

I'm in the exact same boat. Inconsistently meets after 7 years of Meets or Exceeds. Finished my projects ahead of Deadline. Much of that work being SHRP related which I saved the company a TON of time and $. Now I get an Inconsistently meets and there is absolutely no valid reasoning provided. I am Rebuking the evaluation and everyone should do the same. Provide specific dates and documents to back up your claim and FORCE your manager to explain in detail why you are Inconsistently meeting the rating in front of their manager. I believe that if we are truly on the way out as many of you believe then we should at least go down fighting! Bad managers will give a bad evaluation because that's easier than justifying a good one. So provide them a good one with proof and force them to tell you why it's untrue, bet they can't. Good luck everyone!

Post ID: @ed+1jjcyrs59

More #wellsfargoshitshow in action. Ratings are meaningless except when your manager gives you toxicity.

Post ID: @e5+1jjcyrs59

WF managers rate you not based on your actual performance, but based on whether they like you or not. That's also how they choose who to lay off first.

Post ID: @e3+1jjcyrs59

@av+1jjcyrs59, I am in COO as well and having horrible experiences. The upper management has absolutely no respect or care for staff employees. They think of us and treat us like a dirt. They have no problem with lying and have no morals. Performance ratings mean nothing to employees except that managers use them as political tools to manipulate their own political agenda. Something is very wrong with the culture of COO they have created.

Post ID: @e1+1jjcyrs59

I have to train those H-1Bs with under 3 years of exp, then H-1Bs are promoted and I am laid off.

Post ID: @dw+1jjcyrs59


They probably don’t see where there’s cause to fire outside of low performance. If they fire him, that could lead to a slippery slope where we eventually face a lawsuit for discrimination against low performers.

Post ID: @d3+1jjcyrs59

if OP is true, how have they not been fired?

Post ID: @cz+1jjcyrs59

Charlie here. Please stop complaining and work hard.

Post ID: @c6+1jjcyrs59

I tried to be an exceeds, but manager is more about like ability and enjoys watching politics. Rate me lazy, you get a lazy. Win win.

Post ID: @c5+1jjcyrs59

I’m with you everyone that I trained rates Meets or above while I’m not meeting.
After 20 years WTH??? I have to do everything. My manager doesn’t even have a Degree
I could care less

Post ID: @bz+1jjcyrs59

Based on your review, I bet you're one of the best employees, and I'm not being a cynic. Seems like the good ones are targeted.

Post ID: @bn+1jjcyrs59

Managers have to rate on a curve, despite leadership trying to tell us otherwise. My manager told me he had to do this, and felt awful about it since we truly have a great team with all high performers. He also said anyone below a meets had their bonus taken away.

Post ID: @aw+1jjcyrs59

@a3+1jjcyrs59, THIS! I am in the same situation. I completed all my projects successfully, and even received several recognitions from Sr. managers. For some strange reason, I was still given inconsistently meets. What kind of company is this? It's all about dirty politics from the top down. I am in COO by the way.

Post ID: @av+1jjcyrs59

You must have been chosen to be the sacrificial employee this review season.

Post ID: @ae+1jjcyrs59

20 years, meets+ each year. Mid year Meets, year end "Inconsistently meets". But yet all my projects finished on time and under budget!

Post ID: @a3+1jjcyrs59

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