Thread regarding Dell Inc. layoffs

Incompetent leaders and they are crooks too!

Some of this is old news, but it's new to me and I thought I'd share......and could be some reason as to why the goal is to lower operating cost. Seems like Dell is bleeding out a boat load of money.

Dell scammed the Army:

Dell scammed their shareholders:

Dell's data breach settlement:

| 1768 views | | 3 replies (last 16 days ago)
Post ID: @OP+1jjd385ht

3 replies (most recent on top)

Taking a package was the best thing I ever did in hindsight. The leadership in EMEA is just a big bunch of cu-ts openly practicing nepotism. Dell isn’t about keeping talent. It’s about managed decline while still lining one’s pockets. It’s fine if you’re at the top table, for the foot soldiers though… be careful you don’t put yourself out of job market favouritism by having only Dell on your CV.

Post ID: @ca+1jjd385ht

Yep. I have more respect for someone who would mug me directly. At least they have the ball$ to face me man to man. The leaders at Dell are slimely little nobodys who create a culture of a$$kissing and pathetic groveling.

It’s an embarrassment.

Post ID: @ah+1jjd385ht

Court upholds blockbuster $267 million legal fee award in Dell lawsuit, $1 billion settlement:

Post ID: @a1+1jjd385ht

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