Thread regarding Columbia University/Columbia College layoffs

In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower

Sound familiar?

"Among the urban town-gown themes that Baldwin explores, three stand out. The first is the history of the urban universities profiled to attempt to wall themselves off from the low-income and largely nonwhite populations of the urban cores in which they reside (or have expanded into)."

| 387 views | | 2 replies (last March 16)
Post ID: @OP+1jqF3J2Y

2 replies (most recent on top)

Post ID: @89gxw+1jqF3J2Y

and to further prove the point...

"Columbia University is facing criticism after it surfaced online that students would be proposing policy changes for Harlem — the very neighborhood which the Ivy League school has slowly been encroaching into for decades."

Post ID: @hpm+1jqF3J2Y

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