Thread regarding Splunk Inc. layoffs

PS team is rare bright spot at Splunk

Splunk is a bit uneasy right now but the PS team is a rare team that has their sh#t together.

| 1291 views | | 4 replies (last November 15, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1jwtMXNF

4 replies (most recent on top)

Is this the same ps team that has f$&)ed up multiple cloud migrations? And cost Splunk $millions?

Post ID: @ciun+1jwtMXNF

Just watch it'll be announced to go into private equity by April 2023. Before it goes private big layoffs.

Post ID: @4ynn+1jwtMXNF

Still the revenue vs. expenses sheet is way off. There will be a 30% chop in January/February is my current estimate.

Post ID: @2nbm+1jwtMXNF

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