Thread regarding SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. layoffs

SWC needs to unionize

Think about it seriously. The pay is low with no benefits as company keeps posting record profits. Greed all around

| 1551 views | | 2 replies (last December 8, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1k5qJLr3

2 replies (most recent on top)

Unions do nothing but make the union bosses richer. No thank you! I’d quit first before joining a union.

Post ID: @hgp+1k5qJLr3

LOL. And during the pandemic the company was missing payments and everyone was talking about bankruptcy. Has the company even broken even for the last three years? I best it's some FTX style financial wizardry and it still has a big ho-e on its balance sheet that they covered with big write-downs over the last couple of years.

Don't let the dressing they tell shareholders and employees fool you, Seaworld is in big trouble and has been for years. It's all lipstick on a starving pig.

Post ID: @zil+1k5qJLr3

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