Before the pandemic, it was somehow tolerable to work here, but in the meantime it became very obvious how toxic this place is. I'm not going to let the daily stress affect my health and I'm looking for other options. It can only get worse here, right?
5 replies (most recent on top)
It gets worse daily. Not sure how driving away employees....not hiring anymore...and driving away guests makes any kind of return on investment.
yo i am so sorry, I posted in the absolute wrong companies forums. disregard the massive write up, and you all be good and stay away from auto insurance companies. Though it might smell less like fish.
It was in no way shape or form tolerable before the pandemic. It was worse. Before 2020, and Robert Yi's golden parachute escape from the company it was all about closing LOC's, all of them. The hubs were all extremely toxic, more so if you actually came from a LOC (regrets...sigh) Claims seemed to only hire TM's from other call centers, so there was that smug uncaring aggressive management style.
Roberts big miscalculation, his call to not hire anyone, while turnover ate us from the inside, and then learning....people were less interested in putting up with a bad job for low pay than before the lockdowns....and now our multi-year perma-staffing issues....they at least are trying to APPEAR pro-employee.
Things have improved since then, but, claims/underwriting/support all the call center jobs, they are all positions I would never want to be responsible for anyone having to suffer through it (especially when you can just go be a food service or retail worker near the hubs for like a $1-$4 less an hr and waaaay more flexibility).
Once things settle and they can fully staff, expect a massive crackdown. I have a feeling there is a lot of bottled up executive hatred towards the front line workers due to turnover ect.
And honestly the only thing thats improved is the TM's are kinder than they were before the pandemic, the PR team will have someone write a meaningless email or SFnet article, and maybe a retention bonus that will bring you closer to par to competitors. It is an improvement to before, especially the company wide stress about shutting down LOC.
People who leave still say one of the best thing about leaving is no more management games, no more feeling like you are a high schooler in detention while at work, which was what people were saying before the pandemic, so the improvements are somewhat superficial.
sunk cost fallacy
It can’t get any worse. It can only get better.