Thread regarding Tuesday Morning Corp. layoffs

Bed, Bath or Beyond?

If Ms Gove is the creative disruptive change agent she claims to be, she will need to start by renaming the company to declare to the shareholders that company officers are dedicated to a more manageable product portfolio. Bed and Bath would be a more reasonable name and the name truncation would send a powerful message and manageable ‘back to basics’ portfolio. I never understood what was meant by beyond. Let’s do this.

| 785 views | | 1 reply (February 18, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kEEnQ0p

1 reply

What does this comment have to do with Tuesday Mornings?

Beyond came about because of broader offerings than just bedding and towels because that's all they originally sold

Post ID: @Bnci+1kEEnQ0p

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