Thread regarding Microsoft Corp. layoffs

We have been prepared for this for a long time

Recently there have been many indications that there will be layoffs. Also during COVID, when many new hires were added, one could already assume that one day there will be massive layoffs.
I don't notice much concern among my colleagues, it seems like we're all prepared for this. I hope you are too?

| 2036 views | | 2 replies (last January 20, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kKp1aDt

2 replies (most recent on top)

Bank and retirement accounts are fat and happy. Glad that I worked two jobs during WFH. If I get hit, no unemployment though after the severance package is done.

Post ID: @2szs+1kKp1aDt

Hire and fire same as always in corporate america. All to placate to a bunch of 25 year old snotty coke nosed wall street analysts each quarterly earnings to justify why they are a good stock pick.

Post ID: @nmc+1kKp1aDt

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