My store manager has been telling other managers and some co-worker that particular employees are worthless and others they are easily replaceable. And these are hard working people. I'm fairly new to this company so I'm afraid to make waves but I'm already working on finding a new job. Should I call HR? I was told by others that they won't do a thing and it only hurt me in the end. Does anyone else have issues like this?
2 replies (most recent on top)
HR has been a corporate ally since day one. Complaints will go to your DM & mgr and you will be outed as the caller.
“We listen” and….. we will rat you out !
Managers have been scaring employees so they don't post on social media or go to HR for years. Don't let them get to you. Make sure you have witnesses who will back you up and then
Take the ba----ds to court!