Thread regarding Twitter layoffs

Plans for a payments feature

I'll just leave this here:

Elon Musk has announced plans for a payments feature to be introduced on Twitter, similar to the PayPal system that he played a part in at the turn of the millennium. The move is expected to open up new revenue streams for Twitter, as Musk aims to generate more income for the social media platform.

I don't understand why there are those who don't like this idea?

| 1229 views | | 4 replies (last February 17, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kX66SxV

4 replies (most recent on top)

PayPal may take away money from your account if you post something on the Internet they don't like. They are no different from any other tech company.

Post ID: @hiny+1kX66SxV

@3xrm+1kX66SxV what gives you the impression that venmo and paypal are fundamentally different from a social media company? they aren't banks, they're platforms just like facebook/twitter/instagram/tiktok/whatever.

Post ID: @3zwt+1kX66SxV

Nope, never. I'll keep with venmo and paypal. I don't want my payments handled by a social media company, doesn't matter if it's facebook/twitter/instagram/tiktok/whatever.

Post ID: @3xrm+1kX66SxV

Great way to stock pile cash for free.

Post ID: @1tpe+1kX66SxV

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