Thread regarding Hy-Vee layoffs

Hy-Vee has been falling for a long time.

It's no surprise to me when I worked at Hy-Vee over 10 years ago. I was at one of the Sioux Falls stores from 2010 - 2012 and it was a mess even back then. I saw Edeker back then when he was a tier below Jergens and I thought the guy was a creep back then. I knew that Hy-Vee was going to have a meltdown even back then because the same stuff going on in stores now was going on back then, everything from the understaffing to the employee 'ownership' circlej--k to management being on a power trip, store directors running staff into the ground, and so forth.

I can't blame people for despising Hy-Vee but the problems here go beyond Edeker and his minions. I think Hy-Vee's decline started in the 2000s but has become more obvious in the last couple of years.

| 2175 views | | 6 replies (last January 6, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kfQm749

6 replies (most recent on top)


I see that we have a Hyvee shill here. Kid, you probably are Edeker's shoe polisher given how you talk. I work a much better job than you do and quite honestly I think you are mad since Edeker wanted his shoes polished with oil instead of your grease. Go back to Des Moines and keep bending over for the executives if you don't mind.

Post ID: @jebn+1kfQm749

Nice use of buzzwords. Go find your safe spot, sweetie. The rest of us have work to do.

Post ID: @4kjy+1kfQm749

The last comment was clearly from a narcissist, the gaslighting type. Hy-VEE has over 70,000 employees that is supposed to be part of a “family,” or a place where hardwork should be rewarded. Not, evil takes all, and not survival of the “fittest”. You are the problem.

Post ID: @4rnx+1kfQm749

You sound a sideliner. A guy on the team who's not good enough to be a starter but loves to criticize from the bench. Go ahead. Keep yapping. No one's listening. Don't kid yourself.

Post ID: @3lwq+1kfQm749

Wrong,you took the right turn in life getting out of hyvee.Ispent over 30 years with them and the company has really gone to he-l.They dont speak to you when you shop even the supervision wont speak to you.I would no longer reccomend making a career with this company.The micromanaging is aweful. You never get anything positive,its always negative.The moral in the stores is terrible.

Post ID: @cvv+1kfQm749

If you're talking about your "career" at a Hy-Vee store a decade after it happened you took a wrong turn in life. Well, that and living in Sioux Falls.

Post ID: @ena+1kfQm749

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