Thread regarding W.B. Mason layoffs

Does WB pay out bonuses???

New to company. Any bonus payout ever?

| 1833 views | | 4 replies (last December 30, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1klhg1KY

4 replies (most recent on top)

we got those d-mb trucks one year, in february!!

what a joke .

Post ID: @6cyt+1klhg1KY

Some years you’d get a WB TeeShirt, or cooler, or water bottle… but $$$$ unless you are a manager or named Meehan the answer is NO

Post ID: @6abm+1klhg1KY


haaaaHaaaaa. you must be new—driver/ warehouse?

I worked there over 10 years—. got the same thing every year!! Diddly Jack!

managers got a bonus but i never recalled a non mgr getting anything .

Post ID: @2lbp+1klhg1KY

Probably depends on your position, but no most likely not.

Post ID: @1vqb+1klhg1KY

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