Thread regarding CGG Veritas layoffs

2023 Predictions for CGG

What are your predictions for 2023?

Will CGGs cataclysmic decline contine under the current management oppression?

| 3097 views | | 10 replies (last February 3, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kqOBm3R

10 replies (most recent on top)

not much sense in getting very jacked up over an obscure asset basket barely noticed by wall street except for its correlation with oil price. Calm down boys who have an emotional tie to this backwater play.

Post ID: @Anog+1kqOBm3R

Cgg is an extremely speculative investment, the improved forecast from the board has helped push the price up.

It often increases before the results are announced.

Post ID: @nbwt+1kqOBm3R

Stocks go up, stocks go down. This is the way.

Post ID: @myib+1kqOBm3R

why? all the seismics move together, and primarily move with the oil price. look at the oil price over the last month, then pgs, tgs, and cgg. all have the same upward trend moving with oil price over the last month.

Post ID: @kpsq+1kqOBm3R

CGG share price: + 24,70 % YTD (Year To Date).


Post ID: @jsrx+1kqOBm3R

It is an eloquent compensated inner circle cluster f**k that is body surfing a wave to its end when it will depart from the beach to go have some whitefish then find something else to do or simply retire. It is amateurishly posing in wokeness while its core, already dying a natural death, withers away. Its leadership is an echo chamber fawning over each other in love…with itself. It will last a remarkablely long time.

Post ID: @5ulq+1kqOBm3R

More like they’ve bet the lot on finding a new business

Post ID: @4abd+1kqOBm3R

The previous poster has it spot on.

CGG have walked into the Casino de Monte-Carlo and bet the house on Geoscience!

Post ID: @4vaw+1kqOBm3R

More of the same: more restructuring, more strategic reviews, more identity politics, more management back-slapping, more share price declines, more debt and more sales of multi-client library data to try and plug the gaps in order to allow Geoscience to survive all whilst transitioning to a Technology and HPC company

Post ID: @1pov+1kqOBm3R

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