Thread regarding Broadcom Corp. layoffs

Can I get a job at Broadcom if I was laid off from VMware?

Once Broadcom officially becomes VMware's owner, can I apply for a job even if I was previously laid off from VMware? Are former employees blacklisted or not? Has anybody from the previously acquired companies been through something similar and could offer some insight?

| 5093 views | | 12 replies (last February 2, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1kvFYY5G

12 replies (most recent on top)

Expect cuts this year. Folks were let go from Mainframe last year, and this year it's going to be a little harder hitting some targets. If not this, then 2024..only a matter of time... so... if you're over 60 and in good financial shape. go for it. milk what you can, save like crazy, then IF something happens you can safely retire. if nothing happens enjoy that ride ...

Post ID: @phlk+1kvFYY5G

@hmmk+1kvFYY5G and Mr Thomas

I think you are both sort of right on this point. Finance would give the managers, usually at the SVP level, targets to cut from the annual budget. Finance would say cut 20 percent and then we had to find 20 percent to cut. Usually it was people or programs. We didn’t have many programs to cut and travel wasn’t really that much to begin with. I would work with my SVP on which people to cut and then HR would review the list, but I don’t recall them ever dictating which people to cut or keep, I know they looked at things to make sure we weren’t cutting all women or people of color for instance. I know my finance guy, still with Broadcom, hated this annual process at CA.

Post ID: @hkzd+1kvFYY5G

@hmmk+1kvFYY5G: For real, thankfully not in HR or Finance. But if you really think some HR Person that has no idea what a MF developer actually does, was deciding which people to keep and cut, then you don't understand how businesses operate, and if you think HR had that level of power then perhaps it is you that is/was in HR. At no company on earth does HR tell the business which people to keep or layoff unless it is some ethics violation. So what you are saying is the MF GM was taking direction from HR and doing what HR told him to do? I am going to assume GL would disagree with this statement. Do you really think the current Broadcom HR group is selecting people for layoff and management just says "OK, HR told me I had to cut you, so I am doing what I am told". If that is really the case, this place is more screwd up then I thought.

Post ID: @hrzy+1kvFYY5G

Mr.Thomas. If you worked for the MF BU then you would know what I said was true. You were likely some HR troll who got canned at Day 1. There were several people that got let go in May of 2018 that have been hired back, and others that were marked as transition that were kept on. Those people were not targeted by their own management. Someone in either HR or finance made the call. I know, as I've talked to their old and now new managers about it. Bike Boy was given the task of cutting heads, and HR made sure they had enough heads, regardless of the person's skill. The longer you were there, the bigger of the target that was on your back.

Post ID: @hmmk+1kvFYY5G

TO Post ID: @2xyn+1kvFYY5G, "HR was in charge of a lot of layoffs at CA. Purely bean counter decisions." so you really think CA HR was picking which employees were staying and which employees were let go, even though (basically) the entire HR department was cut when the acquisition closed. I can assure you, CA HR didn't select anyone to be kept or fired, management told them which person was to be kept or cut. Such a d-mb comment. Even at Broadcom, HR does very little when it comes to selection of people, it is all the line of business and HR executes (literally and figuratively) what they are told.

Post ID: @6zrx+1kvFYY5G

There's a six month cooling off period if you get a package with your layoff. Otherwise you have to repay the package.

Post ID: @2uqh+1kvFYY5G

No, this came up with the CA acquisition. There was a period of like a few to 6 months where they couldn’t rehire you if you were let go.

Post ID: @2wrs+1kvFYY5G

I can only speak for the MF division, but several people have been hired back that were previously let go. Management never wanted them fired to begin with, so that might make a difference. HR was in charge of a lot of layoffs at CA. Purely bean counter decisions.

Post ID: @2xyn+1kvFYY5G

Why would you want to get back to a company who made you redundant? There are so many companies out there where you can get a job, unless you are totally not competent for the job market

Post ID: @2iaq+1kvFYY5G

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