Thread regarding Target Corp. layoffs

Saving money=Remodel

This company is trying to cut costs yet they continue to remodel TNC, TPN, and TPS. These are areas that have not been used in years.

| 1950 views | | 3 replies (last April 5, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1l4Lfypk

3 replies (most recent on top)

The only foul smell is the communication. Why remodel when 75% of TNC, TPN, and TPS are empty. The newly flex floors are never used to capacity.

Post ID: @Vgit+1l4Lfypk

Who is to say. We could all be there 5 days a week in a month. There is an HVAC project going on at TNC but some areas were getting a foul smell so its best to n-p that in the bud before they find black molds.

Post ID: @brdu+1l4Lfypk

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