Thread regarding Splunk Inc. layoffs

More layoffs on April 3rd 2023 coming

there is this page where companies self report to the government when they will have layoff. in California the requirement is 60 days in advance. Found it here

Splunk is listed as going to layoff 174 more people on April 3rd 2023. Not sure if I am misunderstanding the data so please see it for yourself.

Good luck to all.

| 1910 views | | 2 replies (last March 28, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1lMsZ9Ec

2 replies (most recent on top)

another layoff is exactly what the bloated p*gs who were running sales, cs, sales eng deserve. they got so high off the hog, salaries bloated beyond all measure....they deserve everything that happens. you simply cannot operate like this. by all accounts from people I know still's sell! sell! sell!! and you dont even need to work in sales. I left a year or so ago because after several years I realized they were heading for court....and sure enough...they now owe shareholders 30 mil for being liars.

Splunk is junk. You can legit do security at many of the big shops now and just about everyone, even start ups, have products that surpass splunks. place is horrible.

Post ID: @5wyq+1lMsZ9Ec

I thought there’s a notification date of 2/1 attached to this warn notice, which is when they did the last layoff. Maybe 4/3 is when severance ends for those ppl impacted on 2/1.

Another layoff would be terrible.

Post ID: @1ock+1lMsZ9Ec

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