Thread regarding Schlumberger Ltd. layoffs

Demographic consideration for promotion to management

My boss moved on a few years ago and recommended me to be his replacement. Despite consistently glowing reviews, upper management did not take his recommendation and instead brought in someone objectively less qualified who better fits with the company’s stated diversity initiatives. At the time, I dismissed the assertion by a couple of members of the management team that I was passed over because I’m a white male, but since then I’ve noticed that of all the people in my facility who have been promoted from individual contributor to management positions, not one has been a white male. This leads me to believe that perhaps there is some sort of moratorium on promoting “over represented” demographic groups into management positions.

This is all just conjecture on my part, but does anyone know if there is actually anything to this? Anyone have an inside scoop on if certain demographic groups are being actively excluded?

| 3875 views | | 7 replies (last May 31)
Post ID: @OP+1lSE1MHy

7 replies (most recent on top)

Your demographic has been the victim of reverse discrimination for years now at SLB in the U.S. I am in that class and there are less than 5 of us left on the entire floor.
You are great if you’re middle eastern, female, Indian or Chinese. Not exactly matching the demographics of the U.S. or anything close to it. These protected classes are being promoted. Guess people week was a great success if you want a green card in the USA. Management has become abysmal!

Post ID: @6Vcag+1lSE1MHy

the same was when i worked for SLB in Norway..You need to be your Manager's blue eyed employee and agree everything what he/she tells you if even if your manager is less qualified than you...

Post ID: @3qewk+1lSE1MHy

Interesting. Nobody gets promoted at our facility unless you’re a knuckle dragging, dip spitting wannabe cowboy who sit around all day telling everyone how nobody works as hard as they do, especially all of the millennial hipsters.

Post ID: @mdhc+1lSE1MHy

The company wouldn’t have diversity goals if they didn’t intend to hit them. You getting promoted negatively affects somebody’s PIP.

Post ID: @dvta+1lSE1MHy

Are you awesome at your job? Someone that does a great job and isn’t focusing towards managing up will get passed for promotion.

Post ID: @3ixv+1lSE1MHy


Post ID: @1umo+1lSE1MHy

You had me at 'objectively', OP.

Post ID: @aqm+1lSE1MHy

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