Thread regarding W.B. Mason layoffs

5.6 million!

All details are public!! mason settled for 5.6 million!’.

For those who stuck this out, well done!!

For the meehans, up yours!!

| 2044 views | | 12 replies (last April 3, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1lSSAnJy

12 replies (most recent on top)

soooo. Let’s do some logical math:

— Mason settled for 5.6 million for 3 states.

  • “Masonville” encompasses a minimum of 12 states.
  • based on the assumptions that commissions were paid/cheated the same regardless of state , the corresponding number now goes up to 22.4 MILLION owed in “swindled”commissions. Can this be right? Do the math.

and that’s based on an out of court settlement—— if this went to court, that 5.6 could have tripled , with multiple court awards.

Man o manachewitz ….

Post ID: @5spq+1lSSAnJy

Case number CV-21-10955 in the United States District Court in Illinois, Eastern Division.
The case consolidated with others. WHO BU-T has to pay 5.6 million.
Get involved with your state legislature and your state Attorneys General office to have your state have outside sales commission laws to protect your rights as a commission sales rep. Any company can do this to you if they want in Massachusetts.
In Massachusetts, WHO BU-T and other companies can do what they want to your commissions. Nothing in the state of Massachusetts law protects you. Companies that do this are more protected than you in this state or other states that don't have protective commission sales laws. Who know WHO BU-T knows what the laws are.
The simple reason why other states aren't participating is because they legally can not.
These three states have proactive laws that PROHIBITIVE companies from not communicative changes in companies commission plans to you. These states and other states like California do. Oops, Massachusetts does not. Not sure about CT. and down the line to Florida.
Call the Attorney Generals office they will tell you the same as they told me, get a law on the books. They can't do anything until there is a law.
Here's another question for us to ask yourself.
Did WHO BU-T pay you for your orders that were entered before you left WHO BU-T? Especially furniture orders. I believe they had to pay you within so many days after you left to pay you for your order.

Maybe April and May will be good for us and we may get another multi thousand check from WHO BU-T, because they still care about us. Isn't that the BS they told us last year?
I hope this helps.

Post ID: @5nti+1lSSAnJy

Greene was dismissed because he's a mascot. These days he doesn't have influence on how the business is run.

It would not surprise me one bit if ownership and leadership didn't even realize they were stealing retroactively. They are that stupid.

Post ID: @5mke+1lSSAnJy

why are the other states not doing the same as it is pretty obvious that what they did was illegal? Spread the good word

Post ID: @5evt+1lSSAnJy

They got off too easy.

Why was Greene dismissed from all of these? He is Chairman of the board and everything.

Post ID: @4hug+1lSSAnJy

do a google search : “ wb mason commission settlement “.

enjoy !!!

Post ID: @4kor+1lSSAnJy

Any links to the class action news? Or PR from either law firm?

Post ID: @4qfs+1lSSAnJy

but no actual news reporting on this . I’ll have to fix that!! Want every Boston area news source to be well aware of “ who but”

Post ID: @4jai+1lSSAnJy

The reality is the loyal employees who stayed are the ones who are going to be royally fu---d!!

Post ID: @4msy+1lSSAnJy

this commission lawsuit goes back to 2015, long before the pandemic— who has no ethics?? who but wb mason!!

Real class act!! 5 million!! as a settlement!! That very well could mean that there was actually more $$$ defrauded from employees.

This lawsuit was only filed for the 3 states mentioned, if i understood the clauses . Any rhode island or connecticut reps can view this as a “ precedent “, and file additional suits to cover their respective states? I hope meehan loses his XXL shirt .

can’t wait to have the 3M mask lawsuit bite them in the rear .

Post ID: @1iqx+1lSSAnJy

That a boy Leo and Chris, your legacy's will be not be glorious as you would liked it to be.
You weren't convicted in this latest class action lawsuit and you admitted no quilt, but you were and are guilty to the hundreds of wonderful sales reps who worked their butts off for you because you promised them everything, but at the end of the day you stole from them like thief in the middle of the night.
We all had to listen to your F.U. speeches at Foxwoods pretending you were gods, but your were no more than a peasant stealing.
Being rich wasn't good enough for you, like all mad men you wanted more and more.
It didn't matter who you took it from, as long as it was all your's.
You destroyed who ever got in your way, people with families, with children.
You're lucky your fat a-s's are not in jail next to some jail mate looking for someone new to make them their new bi--hes., but maybe one day.
How many lawsuits have you lost Leo, and I'm not talking about ice cream here?
How many restraining orders, how many settlements?
Your trucks are near empty and your glorious kingdom is burning.
How did it end for Caesar and ROME LEO? Your kingdom is over old man.

I just hope that more sales reps can sue WB Mason real soon.

Post ID: @1nph+1lSSAnJy

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