Thread regarding NetApp layoffs

Is cloud enough to keep us afloat?

| 2415 views | | 8 replies (last April 25, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1lX0Dz1Y

8 replies (most recent on top)

And shame you got rid of most of PS people who did that work. I remember GK complaing about them doing too much hardware work and not enough cloud

Post ID: @moxd+1lX0Dz1Y

No, which is why there is renewed focus on on-prem. Yes, we focused far too heavily on cloud for the last two-years. Unfortunately it took two-years to realize that as we weathered covid and "uncertain economic times". Sure, both were present, but on-prem is where the money is.

Post ID: @8pos+1lX0Dz1Y

the Cloud directive that NetApp took 18 months ago is what has caused the company to spiral downhill.

GK cant stop saying public cloud and the partners are not happy. They make money on services, and they hate our message. Google NetApp and it says Data Management Solutions for the Cloud. sure, there is public and private cloud but when you hear GK and others they always talk about the hyperscaller and that is not helping us with our channel.

Pure, Dell, HP all tell the partners that we are anti partner now as we are moving their services business to the public cloud.

We need a change at CEO, CFO, and Sales leadership.

Post ID: @7olm+1lX0Dz1Y

Cloud is easy to grow and shrink with the economy. In a down trend, selling cloud isn’t a good thing because customers are not locked into a product.

Hardware locks customers in thus netapp wants to suddenly sell more entry cheap level hardware. A sudden turnaround from saying we’re cloud specialists and hardware isn’t important. Pure was just eating out lunch while we watched.

Junk leadership…bad choices without vision and the peons suffer as a consequence. Wish I spent my years in a different company with good leaders or had an MBA and political strength to do be in charge.

Post ID: @5ijo+1lX0Dz1Y

Nope. OnTap is the only thing that has kept NetApp going over the years. The hide the coin under the cup game is done.

Post ID: @vqv+1lX0Dz1Y

Never has, never will. We’ve known that ever since AL led GK down that path.

Post ID: @tgr+1lX0Dz1Y

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