Thread regarding Windstream Corp. layoffs

New Company name "Disconnect IT"

They should change the name from "Kinetic" to "Disconnect it"
I have never seen so many outages with no sense of urgency to repair issues, we are bleeding customers, meanwhile all this company can focus on is trivial report metrics focusing on lunch break times for techs. I am ready to jump ship.

| 2190 views | | 10 replies (last March 5, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1lmemwNA

10 replies (most recent on top)

Avaya filed chapter 11 why can't we? I'm sure they continue to have Elliot and friends shops us around looking for a new buyer. When they peel back the onion they don't see much value and offer a fire sale price. Pride gets in the way of common sense and reasoning to the board members and executives.

Post ID: @8kri+1lmemwNA

so what is really going on?

The old boy network at the top is milking it for every penny. When WS goes belly-up or is sold, they'll be off to the Alps with their millions. We pions will be left with nothing to show for hard, thankless work

Post ID: @6bbq+1lmemwNA

Government handouts and Elliott management group are the only reason this company hasn’t closed the doors yet. They could care less about customers needs anymore. It’s all about adding new customers to make the numbers look good and outages are pushed to the back of the bus.

Post ID: @6jew+1lmemwNA

I can't belive this old tank is still in business.

Post ID: @3usi+1lmemwNA

For years we have touted ourselves as the rural provider. Now there are areas that we are not expanding copper plant even though fiber is not or will not be available. So what are these customers supposed to do? In a lot of places we are the only choice for a provider. What a joke to sh-t on the people that have paid their bills and kept this place afloat for a lot of years. Now we have no overtime and sh-t for raises so what is really going on? We are not spending ANY money on anything. Just a sad thing to see what this company has been turned into due to greed.

Post ID: @3imx+1lmemwNA

They don’t care. They have fire and laid off employees using YouTube tv logins they provided as demo accounts I’m sure as well.

Post ID: @2fsf+1lmemwNA

Who are they trying to pawn this off on now? Hope they know the OSP fibers are cr-p (unless IRUed from other providers other than UNIT), The equipment is either old and discontinued or are tied to some sort of crazy lease buy back. What you get with this sell would be interesting - I am available to provide consultation to any potential buyers

Post ID: @2yxe+1lmemwNA

The C level executives are just watching for the sale ro go through.

Post ID: @1pwa+1lmemwNA

Can we outsource the C-Suites? How about the Board?

Post ID: @1lxa+1lmemwNA

Many State side jobs lost before Christmas 2022 and just recently Feb 2023. Outsourcing is the game now.

Post ID: @1vea+1lmemwNA

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