Thread regarding Splunk Inc. layoffs

My experience at Splunk.

My experience at splunk was a terrible one. So as I leave soon, I figured I would put pen to paper. I’ve worked at 5-6 big techs and the US govt. Splunk is by far the lowest and most messed up of all I’ve experienced in 25 years. And there is no close second...

Executive…wanna be big tech. Falls flat. No one trusts you. Gary, the once a splunker always a splunker was so terrible. No one who left or got laid off feels that way at all. Going to SKO after all of that trauma, absolutely classless move. It screams....old school CEO...let's party while we let go 400 people and then another 5,000 knew someone who got let go. And for the inconsiderate that said, "well I didnt know anyone so it's not my problem..." you're just a POS person.

Senior and Middle. You seem to have all left somewhere as Junior to come to splunk and become high and mighty. Not counting the dev and actual techies but I’ve never seen so many people spread bitterness and hate amongst employees. the short responses, the way you treat people on slacks, the way you ask for things of people who don't even do them. It's sad cause you are some of the most pathetic and incompetent people I've ever seen. The people that left the orgs recently, they seemed to cultivate a certain atmosphere, but it is still very much alive at splunk. I don’t know what qualifications there are for middle managers there but it definitely doesn’t come from being good at your job or being good at tech. It was the weirdest. I had mgmt above me who would’ve been janitors at my last company. The funniest thing is most of their opinions were subjective and had to do with feelings about things; which in tech, is the worst way of managing. Executive sponsors or go-betweens. Absolutely brutal. Like useless. You know who you are.

Sales management. You did not invent splunk or any tech. Stop acting like you’re better than most. Your faces and messaging are downright hated, not even tolerated. Your power hungry and control and lack of simple tech is appalling. AVP’s of sales…where you go when you know nothing. You role makes you nothing. My mgmt expected us to bow down to you all, but you have to earn it....well at good companies you do.

SE’s…you didn’t invent splunk. Stop acting high and mighty. Legit could be replaced by someone who used the app for a year.
Sales a good human being. Like just try being normal. Stop barking orders at people. Stop picking sides. Stop, um, thinking you sold 100m deal when it was a 500k deal. Splunk is one of 100 players. you are as replaceable as the windows.
AE’s..pretty good. Again, anyone acting high and mighty, you’re laughed at as being a joke. AE mgmt. stop reading from scripts. It’s not Hollywood. Just approve vaca.
ODS…you’re just like PS. No one really cares what the difference is.
ODS/program mgmt…you’re basically calendar jockeys with little to no prod or technical experience. But you keep treating people who aren’t in ODS like getting a customer a case is SO important. arguing with support while the customer waits....totally unprofessional. embarassing. Your support with a different name.
Support/TSAM’s…keep up the good work. Lots of good people. Stay at splunk cause you’re getting 40% more pay and seems like the one job that actually can go anywhere with.
CSM’s…the role you’re in could be filled by college grads or interns. For some reason splunk keeps pushing this agenda but you literally have zero to do with renewals. You know it but keep milking it and use those Amex cards to act like you’re a jet setter. You’re below marketing at this point but keep taking the customers to TGIF’s. I showed respect to the CSM's, but the strategy and direction from the characters that have been there and are there now, pure comedy. Guys who really should be running an ice cream parlor; not some division of "success". The goals for them need to be told to sales so sales people dont just continue to dump on them.
PS/EM..ummmmm…this is a hodge podge of people who think they’re special but again could be replaced with some overseas person who took a Udemy course. Use the hours dopes! Stop trying to look good and take a long look in the mirror. EM's take responsibility instead of taking it personal that this customer or that customer makes you mad. Really, grow up!!
Product...start doing brown bags for other depts. It's somewhat sad that most dont know what youre up to, but you do a one hour deck and expect people to know all the latest and greatest.
SOC/ same. get the word out. offer brown bags. offer people to shadow. ya a normal tech company.
Cloud security…you’re the best of the best. Your mgmt is pretty awesome as well.

That’s all for now. All I could think of while I was at the gym. Splunk will eventually be chopped up I hope but I hope no big tech buys them cause the culture and way many act is the complete opposite of tech collab and cohesion. It’s sad but with overpriced products and it being such a Wolf of Wall Street mentality, it’s a terrible place to work. Super high attrition. The diversity and inclusion is 100% fake. The ISM culture, 100% real. Thankful I got out and will never push their overpriced stuff at all.

Good riddance.

| 2673 views | | 13 replies (last August 16)
Post ID: @OP+1lqweCRV

13 replies (most recent on top)

I see this is old, but I never saw it before. It's 1000000% spot on. Majority of splunkers are total frauds. When I was there there were legit tons of people there who didn't even know what the software was doing. Then you'll get the other frauds who dont know the difference between SIEM, EDR, SOAR, taking certs and like magic.....they're engineers. Are you freaking kidding me? Spot you losers a mile away. Get a life. Get out of my lane.

Post ID: @8kzeb+1lqweCRV

splunk is soft and f-at. have been for long time. 20% of people doing 80% of the work. Cisco will trim the fat off the piggy. No doubt. been watching splunk for a decade. no real change in product...just huge legacy deals customers gotta go to court to get out of. horrible mismanagement.

Post ID: @8ktzn+1lqweCRV

good post. I am with Cisco and we dont want this type of culture in our place. we have our faults, but lots of long time dug in techies. we dont want fugazis. they better mind their business and keep their heads down.

Post ID: @87ghl+1lqweCRV

OP here. Called it like I see it and the beginning of the end is starting.

Post ID: @4dgsv+1lqweCRV

just gave my notice and learnd abou this site. spot on assessment of splunk. my prior employer was 5x the size and had 100% less drama and problems. place reminded me of high school. seeing sales directors get all pissy at engineers was classic. guys that never had their hands on a machine and coulnd't tell me what kube is slacking us with tons of alpha anger/confusion and asking questions that didn't even relate to the issue.......just them sayin, "well when can I tell the customer the problem is fixed...we have a renewal on the line....waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh" yeaha clown....renew them again....they dont even use the logs for anything but seeing who is pulling down performance on the server. hahahha. terrible.

Post ID: @32dcb+1lqweCRV

OP here. I am sorry to hear that they did that. What I noticed was there were a lot of trashy sc-mmy people that seemed to infect people. Now, I cant say these people came to Splunk as good apples, but I can surely tell you that they rank high in the level of trashy humans they became or are. It's also something I think grew out of being remote. I worked for a few people that I know would never have said things they said remotely to my face. Pure cowards. Pure incompetence....but that's also on Splunk. They let so many things that should be nipped in the bud (racism, s-xism, discrimination, abuse) immediately in this day and age, fester. If I were to post the things that some managers did on social media, these people would never work again. Several outright broke employment laws. It's ironic cause I felt red flags upon meeting them. Sadly, trash supports trash. Even more sadly, it had ZERO to do with work. If you were acting like them, agreeing with them, you were one of them. It's so weird cause I have some engineer and dev friends that I shared this stuff with and they're like, "these people should not be anywhere near tech..." There were several sales people that seemed to just get over cause "well they're sales" and the same people who were bad actors in my dept supported some of the bad actors in sales.

The funniest part about it....the majority of them wouldn't know the difference between a database and a printer.

It was a very creepy place to work. Always looking over your back. I dont blame the worker bees much, but I dont think anyone will sanely say Splunk is a good place to work again. The people that are there in non-tech roles, just there to go through the motions. Ironically the custokmers will come and go regardless of them, so you come to that come to Jesus moment...."am I really needed I just working for my check a forma money to get my mani pedi?" I dont think any big tech companies would hire people from splunk unless they were actually doing security and bits and bytes. Especially with false figures reported to the SEC. Big woops. Hilarious.

Post ID: @11xgn+1lqweCRV

Splunk took the worst,most toxic people of my company and brought them over with promotions LOL- thank you

Post ID: @Nwew+1lqweCRV

Glad I wasn’t wrong in my assessment. Just bummed I wasted time and the 1% of my brain it took to work there. -OP

Post ID: @6wom+1lqweCRV

Company is total garbage. I know because I worked there and knew all the garbage teams and know all their dirty secrets. They were lying to customers about their cloud capabilities.

Post ID: @6zsa+1lqweCRV

agree with garbage post...been in tech my whole life...I can work with garbage tech I cant work with garbage mgmt and employees. ppl, esp the pseudo consultant people (se, ae, ps), you would think there weren't 100 other tools (some free) that do the same thing. I consulted with a customer who legit said, exabeam was easier out of the box, cheaper and we weren't getting hassled by your sales and csm's. splunk is basically like 1999 tech company. no class. tech summitt, sko, swag....huge waste of money. so glad I left that dump. as a dev guy, it was just such a bad social experiment. 'splunkers' hahahaha. grow up. sounds like wannabe alpha betas.

Post ID: @1ukz+1lqweCRV


Post ID: @1ldz+1lqweCRV

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