Thread regarding State Street Corp. layoffs

How does the Talent Pool work

Anyone have any idea how the talent pool works? We were told this week that our MD just got added and I have no idea what that entails.

I know it means they are on their way out, but what are the ins and out? Guy is still in his office everyday, but doesn’t seem like anything has changed.

| 3396 views | | 9 replies (last May 30, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1ltReDnr

9 replies (most recent on top)

Job postings drastically cut. Good luck with finding anything in the market place!

Post ID: @1phuu+1ltReDnr

@Post ID: @Rplc+1ltReDnr

You are 100% wrong, it is nothing but a holding pen as the person said to trick you into believing their are other jobs.

Wrong what jobs ? The ones being outsourced ?? the ones being given to H1B workers ???
Please let the U.S staff know where these so called jobs are.

Post ID: @Sskh+1ltReDnr

@Pdox+1ltReDnr - Couldn’t be more wrong. It’s a holding pen where you go for 30-40 days to look for an internal job before you get let go (with severance).

My MD cleara out of it in about a week and told our team he put in no effort to find anything with SSB as he wanted time off before considering his next move. He mentioned that no one pushed him to find a role and that HR is currently in total disarray with a bunch of do nothings more focused on diversity hires than finding the right fit for the job.

Not bad to collect from State Street and the state instead of working. Bonus is he gets his summer off fully paid.

Post ID: @Rplc+1ltReDnr

If he's an MD, he's gone. Period, end of story.

The "talent pool" is a place where they can stick people to run out the remaining clock on your time at State Street. They have no intention of placing those people elsewhere in the company - it's just to give the people who are still gainfully employed the warm and fuzzies that they're not continuously culling employees in dribs and drabs. When in reality that's exactly what they're doing.

Source: Ex-State Street VP who went through the exact same thing.

Post ID: @Pdox+1ltReDnr

Every single H-1b I have met started at SST.
This MD would have probably kept his role if not for the American worker replacement program

Post ID: @1fmd+1ltReDnr

He will be in his position for a month, then officially be in the “Talent Marketplace” and be fully out of his current role. His job for the next 2-3 months (while collecting his salary) will be to find a new job at STT. If he doesn’t by the end of the 2-3 months he will be officially done at STT.

Wish it was my MD!

Post ID: @1frs+1ltReDnr

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