Thread regarding Adobe Systems Inc. layoffs

No mass layoffs doesn't mean no layoffs

"We are committed to not having company-wide layoffs."

I believe GC intentionally used the wording that she used to prevent anybody from complaining that "it was promised there would be no layoffs" when the cuts start. Call me jaded, but I've been here long enough to know to take everything that comes from the top with a grain of salt.

| 1752 views | | 3 replies (last December 25)
Post ID: @OP+1lzaQoZS

3 replies (most recent on top)

10% of my org was laid off

Post ID: @aAfcs+1lzaQoZS

They may not have public company wide layoffs, but they are quiet firing. Placing employees on performance reviews for no valid reason, then fire them a few months later.

Post ID: @imrn+1lzaQoZS

Simply it's again a company PR stunt to cover the Figma deal epic fail. Gloria Chen, who keeps promptly selling her stocks, has stated that the company has a brand new office with empty seats whilst there's no urgency to hire but hey no wide layoffs lol. So the company keeps spending while waiting for the Figma deal to vanish. Good lord!

Post ID: @5ons+1lzaQoZS

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