They're trying to fire us since... January! Social laws are so strong in Belgium that the layoff is taking a while ...
Now they say that we will know more in two weeks....
What we already know is that we're going to be overworked as our fellow colleagues in the USA :/
What a bad place to work 🤮
6 replies (most recent on top)
Leaders or leadership? Germany had a leader. It didn't work out quite well.
Thought leadership is flawed concept especially if those people in charge don't think their employees can't think for themselves. A misconception. Just as self-adulation of in town halls.
Exiting people in two weeks?
More like exiting people in one afternoon.
In the the US it was like “ I need to talk to you, you are fired, do I have your correct email, we will send you more info, your Nielsen account has been disused, no you cannot say goodbye to your co-workers”.
Yes the blame should be on the leaders as they continue coming back to their employees and spreading the half truths they hear in Town Halls.
For just one minute can they be less gullible and stop the idol worship. How many false idols have you heard your leader praise in the last few years?
Eu and Usa have differents laws. Even in Europe you might have super protective contries where you cannot fire … italy is a example, companies are either undergoing complex long process Involving unions, negotiation or offering two years salaries to employees to (volunteer for ) leave … the counterpart is that finding a decent job is problematic ( marring someone is lasting less then hiring someone) . The you have other markets in which you are reasonable free to fire staff like Switzerland and the jb market is bit more dynamic. In short here the concern is not the law but the company … the fact you can survive a little more in Belgium is not a game changer. Nielsen is ‘compressing’ staff … and this is done on purpose. Let’s just hope they will sell the various parts quickly.
Got to love Europe, and more so the US-based leaders who 'still' don't understand that exiting people is a process not a single action, done in two weeks..
it's a shame ... and blame on the leaders supporting all this sh-t.