Thread regarding XTO Energy Inc. layoffs

Pioneer here

Hey XTO folks, how many did exxon cut immediately following the acquisition?

| 2124 views | | 6 replies (last June 25)
Post ID: @OP+1m3PeTxW

6 replies (most recent on top)

Plans are to move as many roles to Houston as possible to force “voluntary “ resignations so that your jobs can be moved to India.

Post ID: @79njz+1m3PeTxW

No, we treated XTO with kid gloves for many years. They never really assimilated and are just now starting to see the consquences. My recommendation is don't sell your home or uproot your family. Just leave everything behind in tact. Rent an apartment nearby, double up with other emps if needed, and assess the location for a couple of years. Go back home every weekend, holday, vacation etc. Theres nothing fun or exciting around here. Many of the XTO people I know, their biggest regret was relocating to Houston. Those that left the company went straight back to Fort Worth.

Post ID: @3ubhw+1m3PeTxW

The brightest ran right away on their own. It affected the overall prowess of xto. Many very senior folk, close to retirement stayed. The second intellectual drain took place before the move to the campus. By then it was the lower tier that came along. It showed……

Post ID: @3uott+1m3PeTxW

There was a 5 year period where Bob Simpson agreed Exxon couldn't cut XTO employees. Around 2015 i started seeing fewer and fewer faces. I was soon let go with the main method that Exxon uses to "lay off people" in 2016. All depends on what the Pioneer CEO agrees to for his employees. Also if they say they aren't moving you to Houston, they are bsing.

Post ID: @35hce+1m3PeTxW

Pioneer isn’t going to be bought. That was your CEO trying to sweeten his exit package when he retired.

Post ID: @qxvs+1m3PeTxW

The cutting of folks from XTO didn't happen until 2020. Rex protected them but DWs minions really cut them in late 2020 layoffs. About 50% let go. A better analogy is the Mobil merger. About 30% or so joined the new company. Hard to tell actual layoff numbers because most who left took the poison pill package.

Post ID: @aagp+1m3PeTxW

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