Thread regarding Optum layoffs

“The Purge” begins again

Biggest perk of working here is the constant adrenaline rush. Will you survive this round? Am I next? Who is next? When is it happening again?

Keeping us all on our toes all the time. Fuelling our fire to be even more productive. These new experts really know how to manage us. Such a blessing we have, love it!

Managers have been requested to reevaluate their teams' performance again through stack ranking.

In this process, there is a possibility of anyone being designated as the "low performer," taking the place of any recently laid-off individual.

Survival Tip: Keep your heads down and lips 👄 locked tightly into the behinds of our “Leadership”.

“The Purge” begins again.

  • "Just remember all the good the Purge does." - Mary Sandin
  • "This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge." - Emergency Broadcast System
  • "Just remember all the good the Purge does for us." - Grace Ferrin
  • "We are on our own. They're not going to help us." - Eva Sanchez
  • "It's Purge night, you don't sneak up on people!" - Shane
  • "Why don't you guys ki-l each other off? Get it over with." - Zoey Sandin

Don’t forget the popcorn.

| 3857 views | | 13 replies (last November 29, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mD3m9Fb

13 replies (most recent on top)

For a few groups, one more ride before the end of 2023. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all !

Post ID: @3csnl+1mD3m9Fb

Endless loop of a ride !!

Post ID: @2Nxrt+1mD3m9Fb

you are mentally ill op putting i n quotes from purge movies randomly.

Post ID: @1rrpb+1mD3m9Fb

Purge is happening again. Never ends. Am a survivor still. Quite an adrenaline rush. See you on the next ride.

Post ID: @1qlxo+1mD3m9Fb

Stay or Leave? While I understand the need not to be trapped as "victim", it is always good to have Plan B. It is not a cookie cutter or one shoes fits all scenario. Each have there own. Do what works best for "YOU" and definitely not doing it for this "ORG". I am sure most people want to get out of this toxic culture but it is a matter of timing and what are their priorities..

Post ID: @4qjd+1mD3m9Fb

Is it possible that you're using the excuse of staying as a martyr for the patients as a way to avoid taking responsibility for your situation and playing the role of a victim?

Are you essentially supporting the very regime that you describe as unpleasant?

Could it be that you're merely attempting to convince yourself to stay rather than confronting the choice to leave?

Post ID: @3mta+1mD3m9Fb

Yes, we should all thrive to do the right thing for the patients. Unfortunately, I personally has been accused of “overkill” on due diligence and impeded with “tine to market”.. look at all the violations, lawsuits over business practices that endangered patient - intentionally denied/delayed claims . It’s a toxic culture!

Post ID: @3xzf+1mD3m9Fb

I totally agree with the person who said they are there for the patients. I am not advocating for our sick org to save millions. I am here to advocate for those who can't speak for themselves so we don't sc--w them over anymore than we already do.

Post ID: @3pbg+1mD3m9Fb

My lips will not be locked in place anywhere. Keep in mind the patients. They are sick and need the healthcare. Feel bad for them. I’ll keep working for them. Not the greedy.

Post ID: @3qqf+1mD3m9Fb

So glad to have gotten my layoff papers and my severance! Thank you sh!tshow UHG, as I’m gainfully employed at a new gig; making more, and the sh!tshow paid me to leave! #winning
When you have sh!tty management, they tend to make poor decisions. I feel bad for the people that have to pick up the slack, as the managers are all out for themselves.
However, it’s best to stay and get a package as opposed to just quitting.

Post ID: @2spd+1mD3m9Fb

We can only pray we made the list.

Post ID: @2ixe+1mD3m9Fb

I think this is the best post I have seen on this board! Thank you for making me laugh during this Purge.

Post ID: @1yux+1mD3m9Fb

Please let it be me next. Put me outta my literal misery

Post ID: @zta+1mD3m9Fb

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