Thread regarding Sabre Holdings layoffs

Despite current executives, Sabre will be successful

I get the sentiment - they laid me off, so they s*ck, management stinks, and the company is in a downward spiral to bankruptcy. But if you've been around long enough, you know this industry is cyclical - yes, definitely in a spiral now, but most likely will climb back out as we go forward.

Don't get me wrong - they laid me off, so I'm no cheerleader for Sabre, but the fact is, the company will recover, and probably thrive, despite the despots now in control. It will be a huge mountain to climb since most of the people let go would have been critical to turning things around. But in typical corporate fashion, the marching orders were 'let the folks with the most years (and domain knowledge) go, and the rest of us will pick up the pieces.'

If they (Eckert's team) is smart - and I don't think they are - they would realize their mistakes and start hiring people back who can actually help. First to take a hit will be customer service, and that may affect customers on the fence already for renewal. And how are they going to sign new customers if old ones are leaving because of poor customer service?

Somehow, Sabre will figure it out, and turn it around. But I don't think Eckert/team is the answer. The saving grace is the good rank-and-file people still employed who can make a difference. I may be wrong, but time will tell.

| 2155 views | | 12 replies (last June 2, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mG0WeAF

12 replies (most recent on top)

Hmmm how come Sabre is in bad shape but the so called executives all have above average salaries? Sabre is the largest GDS but with the smallest market cap. All the management folks should never had been hired,including the former and current so called CEO.

Post ID: @fusd+1mG0WeAF

You are f---ed. Outside of Sabre you worth is aprox. zero. K.E. the fa--o, will f.. you in the a... and will in the end get rid of ya all hamburgers.

Post ID: @2acu+1mG0WeAF

What are you smoking? They have $4.8 billion in debt and hemorrhaging money every quarter. They will have to refinance their debt and with interest rates rising their debt will get worse. Oh and their operating expenses are far greater than their revenue so they don’t earn not even 1 penny per year. This industry will not recover. There will be some other “event” soon to put the nail in the coffin.

Post ID: @2zlw+1mG0WeAF

I am surprised at many of the people who have been let go on this occasion, we have lost some of our very best employees which I have never seen before. I have been here since Noah built the Arc and been through the Hannigan years where this happened annually. We will survive but the idea that the loss of so many great people isnt going to have a huge impact is very naive. To thsoe who are leaving, I wish you the best and have offerred to help many of you through my Linkedin contacts. To those of us who are staying, my best too in this new world. Save part of your salary

Post ID: @1qey+1mG0WeAF

define "successful"

there will almost certainly be some entity called sabre ten or twenty years from now. it may even be considered successful. how closely related future sabre is to the current sabre is another question though.

sabre has indeed weathered a lot of crises before but this one is clearly an existential one. the previous times that sabre hit hard times, they have had to sell off some part of the business or take on more debt. that option doesn't seem viable now - there's not much left to divest and the company has so much debt that the interest payments outstrip income.

Post ID: @1mar+1mG0WeAF

How do you think clients feel when they watch all the people that gave them their money’s worth exiting the company? This is like your favorite restaurant firing their best chef who’s been there since 1989 and replacing them with a 16-year-old kid with no experience. This is different from an emergency. This decision was detrimental to business. Their position was not strong enough in the marketplace for this.

Post ID: @xdu+1mG0WeAF

They are loosing customer after customer in their own backyard, Hawaiian, Southwest, Etihad, and more. Something is seriously wrong the products either suck, the sales team sucks or they are terribly overpriced could be a combination of all of it. But unless they start winning deals again it's over.

Post ID: @laa+1mG0WeAF

I've been around probably longer than you and didn't get laid off, but see no future here. This company is going down fast, and likely intentionally. Current leadership is just a hatchet man and his henchmen who will bleed Sabre dry and then let the ship sink after they have been grossly overcompensated. I truly believe they have no chance at being a viable company for much longer. Why would anyone give Sabre their business? I wouldn't, I'd go to Amadeus too at this point.

Post ID: @flk+1mG0WeAF

there is no need of them in the industry. many other companies emerged offering better solutions. these executives have been changing titles, chairs and fat bonuses in between them and making events to announce it almost every year. In between of course they would lay off people in the name of restructuring.. let them sink..

Post ID: @tfq+1mG0WeAF

What value is it when the people who broke it are now in charge to fix it?

Post ID: @gta+1mG0WeAF

Having been in this business for many years, one thing I know is that travel moves from one major crisis to another, 9/11, financial crisis, SARS, Covid19, wars and international politics, everything that happens impacts travel. The pandemic was the latest and the worst of these and obviously not the last. We get maybe a few years breather between each before the next disaster hits. Management changes and each time the workforce suffers but thats life. I have enjoyed my time here but would I recommend this business to my kids, probably not. There are other, more stable industries to work in and probably better ways to make a living. This is a business where everything is never great at the same time.

Post ID: @bjf+1mG0WeAF

There has to be a new Sabre to thrive, the old is spiraling down and not sure our current leadership has the wherewithal to revive it. Good luck to us all!!

Post ID: @dln+1mG0WeAF

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