Thread regarding USAA layoffs

Was the outage today an MI?

Im sure the ACC was all over it

| 1194 views | | 5 replies (last May 31, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mSk4QOe

5 replies (most recent on top)

What's the point giving these news reporter people details of inner IT outages. Not really relevant to layoffs.

Post ID: @1nqh+1mSk4QOe

I like getting paid to sit on my a-s and twiddle my thumbs so by all means have the systems crash every damn day

Post ID: @1wvv+1mSk4QOe

I few good DOS incidents would be awesome.

Post ID: @1sgl+1mSk4QOe

Someone should ask the Chief Compliance Officer…oh, wait, she was laid off

Post ID: @1rrv+1mSk4QOe

LMAO! I have a feeling outages and the system being down are going to become the norm. We all knew this was coming when they eliminated so many key IT roles.

Post ID: @1nno+1mSk4QOe

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