Thread regarding USAA layoffs

Is the plan to do smaller layoffs every month?

There’s been layoffs of hundreds of people every month. Is there a rhyme or reason to this? If anything, they should wait to see who leaves via RTO, but they’re just doing layoffs, reorgs, and reducing morale. They’re also getting rid of die-hard employees who live and breathe the mission and company in these smaller layoffs.

I’m not sure what the purpose of any of the layoffs are, except that team morale is down and the work keeps piling up.

| 1708 views | | 6 replies (last June 1, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mTTDyO3

6 replies (most recent on top)

Exactly, give me a years pay and im out!!!!!

Post ID: @1tqg+1mTTDyO3

Is there a June date that’s been made official?

Post ID: @1tno+1mTTDyO3

Please lay me off and pay me that juicy severance. Combined with my VA disability pay, I don't even have to care for 6+ months. That is what USAA doesn't realize. Some of it's best employees have a guaranteed alternate source of income.

Post ID: @1fvx+1mTTDyO3

Wow. August??? I thought June was the next one.

Post ID: @zvd+1mTTDyO3

It’s been hundreds every month since March. There’s another layoff happening in June, unsure about July, and now August?

Post ID: @zxs+1mTTDyO3

The next big layoff — hundreds , not a few here or there — is planned for August.

Post ID: @uha+1mTTDyO3

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