Thread regarding ViacomCBS layoffs

Fire Sale

Loop Capital analyst Alan Gould upgraded his rating on the stock to "Hold" from "Sell" on news of the cash infusion, but kept his price target at $14. He outlined a "bull case" for the shares that envisions Paramount selling at least some of its assets, and a "bear case" where the company is unable to find a buyer for its cable properties.

Bob spent the last year or so desperately trying to find a buyer for Showtime, MTV, and Nickelodeon. But now it sounds like Wall Street thinks Bob did find a buyer for Paramount since Loop Capital wouldn't have invested that much cash without knowing something first.

There will surely be downsizing on par with what happened over at Warner, but if this buyer does not participate in ESG the prospects for Paramount's future will be positive. If they do ESG, however, you can bet Paramount will have about as much relevance as Napster, AOL, and Myspace do right now.

| 4933 views | | 6 replies (last June 5, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1mTwlrWG

6 replies (most recent on top)

@1vfb+1mTwlrWG you sound like the same guy who angrily insisted showtime wasn't being shopped around then got proven wrong when bob acknowledged he wasn't able to get the pricetag he was looking for

Post ID: @5ibt+1mTwlrWG

@5fsg+1mTwlrWG what are you even talking about? $PARA popped 5+% because of Loop’s equity injection and company outlook. Shari Redstone is soliciting funding from VCs so when she gets an influx of cash due to the reasons stated by Loop, it boosts market cap. it has nothing to do with “obscure ratings analysts” or opinions.

Post ID: @5oxt+1mTwlrWG

There's tons of other no-name obscure ratings analysts that make upgrades and downgrades every day - if you search Paramount Global stock news - there's at least 2 obscure companies a month that can be found and their opinions don't mean a thing - loop capitol is one of these

Post ID: @5fsg+1mTwlrWG

Buffet+Apple or Squarepants over here is getting the boot. Bring on Mr. Tom Ryan Wallstreet.

Post ID: @1rex+1mTwlrWG

@1vfb+1mTwlrWG maybe instead of whining you should have read the article in the OP

Post ID: @1drx+1mTwlrWG

What the heck is LOOP? Boy you really need to sit down and stop worrying about the up & down cycle of stock values..

Post ID: @1vfb+1mTwlrWG

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